Thread: Whenever the subject of female priests comes up, there seems to be an underlying assumption that women just want position in the Church for the sake of ego. We are given placating arguments about the "importance" of our assigned roles, as if that is the point.
Even if it were true that women want status via the priesthood, I think it should prompt some interesting questions about why men are ok with holding egotistical positions themselves if that's all its about.
But aside from the obvious (to me) reasons a woman would want to be a priest, like influence over theology and to facilitate the Liturgy, I never hear people bring up the subject of confession and how women are asked to be vulnerable in a way not inherent to the sacrament.
I have not confessed in over a year because my only local option is a man my age, whom I know well, whose wife is one of my best friends. If I were to tell any other friend's husband my deepest secrets in a closed room, it would be called an emotional affair. It's fucking weird.
Male monks can go their whole lives without contact with women but cloistered nuns still have to confess to men.

Fucked up, if u ask me.
Besides that, absolution can sometimes be bound up with following the guidance of the priest. Our only formal spiritual guidance comes from someone who likely understands very little about us.

I hate it.
But it's fine, y'all. I know the female charism is the vital work of organizing and cleaning up after fundraisers.
Yesterday someone told me women "give life" (note that women do not "give life," we sustain it) and isn't that important enough?

"You get to give up your body, your health and sometimes your life. What more could you possibly want??"
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