It looks like wealthy white Englishmen in dresses claiming they’re more oppressed than little girls in Somalia and India. It looks like men taking political positions explicitly reserved for women. It looks like letting men compete in women’s sports. 1/x
It looks like re-writing laws and policy that divorces biological sex from the definition of woman. It looks like the entire media and political establishment calling women “bleeders” and “uterus havers” and “non-men.” 2/x
It looks like thousands upon thousands of rape and death threats against women who say “biological sex is real and affects women’s lives.” It looks like adult men walking around naked in women’s changing rooms (or clothed with undressed women & girls). 3/x
It looks like violent male rapists & murderers housed in women’s prisons where they proceed to rape more women. It looks like women losing their jobs, careers, and friends for saying men can’t be women. It looks like lesbIans being called bigots for not sucking dick. 4/x
It looks like women not being allowed to have any spaces, real or virtual, to ourselves. It looks like telling women we can’t have boundaries, or that our boundaries are bigotry, and that we must “embrace discomfort” when the man making us uncomfortable is wearing lipstick. 5/x
Pay close attention to this language: The condescension, the gaslighting, the breezy dismissal of our concerns as hysteria. This is straight out of the abusers handbook. And the patriarchy handbook. Learn to recognize it. This is the bread & butter of trans activism. 6/6
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