2/6 Cons actions can be effective – they save 🐢🦏🦜 from extinction & slow deforestation

But we are still rapidly losing nature. We win battles, but we’re losing the war. Badly

Why? We address symptoms not causes, & our (unspoken) theory of change is faulty

3/6 Is there another way to catalyse change?

Civil disobedience or non-violent direct action 💪(NVDA) 💪was instrumental in many great social & political changes of 20th Century

They were dangerous dissenters then, but they are history’s heroes now

#DICECON20 #ConEffect1
4/6 Since 2018 NVDA has changed the conversation on climate

- Climate emergency declarations (gov + local gov)
- First binding targets
-⬆️media attention
- Massive ⬆️ public concern
- Changing behav. norms

But nature is being left behind https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-019-13964-y

5/6 Saving the biosphere 🦍🐍🐟🌱🌍🐚🌧️🍏means system change. Another paper 📜won’t do that, but NVDA💪 might

Conservationists have never been neutral, objective observers – ours is a value-driven science. So the question now is tactics🤔

#DICECON20 #ConEffect1
6/6 Our conservation science and practice is essential, but it’s not sufficient. This is an emergency, let’s act like it

Please join @ScientistsX and @ExtinctionR, and support those taking the struggle for nature to the streets

Thank you 🙏 have a baobab flower🌼
You can follow @CharlieJGardner.
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