Hey. I know what this tweet is trying to say but fuck, illegally arresting people is assaulting the wrong person. No matter what.

Anything besides due process is an assault. No matter who the victim is. https://twitter.com/curmudgeon75/status/1286262198449274881
It’s not wrong because this guy was “peaceful.”

It’s wrong because we have rules that human beings have rights. The assault starts at denying that fact.
One of the ways we have been tested is being expanded. Tr*mp’s secret police are going to try to convince you some folks aren’t people. They deserve this.

But when you start agreeing some people aren’t, you’re allowing that rights are conditional not inherent.
And that, my little chili babies, means your rights are conditional too.
I know it’s hard because this is a shocking and appalling time, and many of us have not been prepared with the tools to address it. We still believe there are “bad people” who...well, may not deserve to be hurt but eggs get broken sometimes, right?
But people are not eggs and being “bad” doesn’t justify taking away a person’s humanity.
Remember when the message was “peaceful protest isn’t riots, we’re only roughing up rioters”?

This is why we don’t sell rioters out to the cops.
If you believe you, personally, have the right to walk down the street without being disappeared by violent men into an unmarked van...you have to believe everyone gets that right.

Otherwise it’s just an invitation to negotiate the price of stripping your humanity.

That’s what Black Lives Matter means. That’s the meaning of trans women are women. That’s the meaning of all these slogans we speak like ritual words.

Black lives are human lives.
Trans women are human women.

The liberation of any human is a blow for the freedom of all.
And that, chili babies, is what I mean when I say “nazi punks fuck off.”
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