1) Hi👋🏽 I'm Shanna! Conservation efforts typically take decades to show tangible species and habitat recovery. What success can be claimed in a short time? Enter Redonda⛰️ the remote uninhabited Caribbean island that belongs to Antigua & Barbuda, 48km away #DICECON20 #ConsEffect1
2) Redonda is designated as a #KBA and #IBA due to its regionally significant nesting seabird colonies. Its remoteness also allowed for unique, endemic species to evolve. One of the #CriticallyEndangered reptiles🦎 was only discovered in 2009! #DICECON20 #ConsEffect1
3) In the 1800s, guano miners left behind #blackrats🐀 and #feralgoats🐐 Together, they devastated native wildlife & vegetation. The island continued to deteriorate and was collapsing into the sea. If we removed #invasivespecies could Redonda even recover? #DICECON20 #ConsEffect1
4) With our team of volunteers, the population of approx. 6,000 rats 🐀 collapsed within 2 weeks! The #RatEradication lasted 2 months and ended April 2017. #GoatRelocation involved fencing, hand-catching of goats 🐐 and transport by helicopter to Antigua #DICECON20 #ConsEffect1
5) Redonda was declared #ratfree on July 31 2018. Changes seen post-eradication include: 3-fold increase of 2 lizard species, return of landbirds not seen in decades, ⬆️ in plant species diversity & seabirds finally breeding in predator-free environment #DICECON20 #ConsEffect1
6) For my dissertation, I will be quantifying the rapid species and ecosystem impacts following invasive mammal removal by analysing wildlife monitoring data collected pre, during and post eradication. Thanks to my supervisor @perilsofbirding & @DICE_Kent #DICECON20 #ConsEffect1
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