There IS an emotional element to it though because for my entire life and many, many years prior, we've been told how crap we are, how we can't survive on our own, how we're subsidy junkies, that our language isn't proper-
and now when we say "hey, maybe we're just as good as everyone else, maybe we could "

we're told, by people who seem perfectly reasonable in most other situations, that no, we're wrong, we haven't thought it through, we're being too emotional. Damn fucking right we're emotional.
No one I know thinks it will be easy- but the stability many voted to keep in 2014 is gone, Johnson and brexit have taken that -despite Scotland voting every way possible to prevent it. People think " we're in for a shit time anyway, might as well do it under our own name".
Now, this isn't meant to sound rude, but you keep saying the case has to be made- and it does, but not to people in England. it doesn't matter if they think the case has been made or not. it matters if the people of Scotland think the case has been made. The non emotional case.
What's the non emotional case for the union?

When Scotland saw a government, (that's Scotland, the nation, not a region of England) it didn't like in WM it tried to vote them out and it didn't make a single bit of difference.
Even if Scotland had voted entirely for Labour it wouldn't have made a difference. We are bound by our neighbours politics. We have no veto, this happened the other day
Within the UK out of the EU we have exactly the same amount of power as we did within the UK in the EU, in fact less, because we don't have MEPs.

It just occurred to me that maybe you think you're being helpful, and that my reaction as if it were condescending is inappropriate
I'm not a numbers person so if your idea of a non emotional argument is economic figures then that's not going to happen, but we produce a lot of food and drink, we have a good tourism sector, our renewable energy stuff seems healthy, and that's just off the top of my head.
Without immigration we will struggle, but again, we have no say in that.

And there will be more but I already feel like posting this will be negative and I'm really not about that but I've also spent what seems like a stupid amount of time on it and I'll admit, got a bit angry
I am emotional though, I'm pretty much only emotions and to be honest the fact I've done twitter this long without having a total breakdown is a triumph of my pretending to be normal
I don't want to argue about Scottish independence on the internet, I really don't, and will do my best not to, but it just gets to a point where any thick skin that's been built up against being told how crap you are, just feels eroded and it's exhausting.
Nothing I've said here feels new-anyone opposed to independence will remain so and those for will remain so.
I'll probably delete this in a fit of discomfort in 5 minutes. I feel I shouldn't post it but I'm going to anyway in the hope it won't blow up in my face.
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