Great to join this discussion, thanks to @TVietor08 and @brhodes for having me.

Here are a few links on some things we covered...
2 reports from 2 very different policy orgs, one very much of the establishment, one much more critical of the establishment, but saying something similar: we need to dramatically reorient US policy in the Middle East.

This is what a paradigm shift looks like.
These shifts never happen by accident. It requires bold leaders willing to speak with courage and clarity and vision. I’m very lucky and proud to work for one, alongside an incredible team of colleagues. The mid-60s Miles quintet of staffs.
It also requires movements, as my boss always says. Here we need to recognize the long years of hard work by activists and advocacy orgs in challenging the outdated and destructive militarist consensus, and the work to be done in forging a new, better, and durable one.
That’s an incomplete list. As I mentioned on the pod, the growing strength of this coalition is one of the most significant and exciting things happening in foreign policy right now. Check these groups out. Support them. Join!
You can follow @mattduss.
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