On 'cancel culture' and censorship. Would like to share a personal experience 👇
In 2015, the European Union invited Thio Li Ann as a guest speaker to commemorate human rights day. Several activists, including myself objected to this and signed a statement asking the EU for an explanation
On the day of the event, a few of us staged a protest at the event while she spoke.

Subsequently, we were accused by some of stifling Thio Li Ann's freedom of expression. At the time, the phrase 'cancel culture' wasn't in vogue, but the accusations were similar.
I explained that our opposition has to be appreciated in a context. Firstly, the event was supposed to celebrate human rights day. How can someone who is well known for her homophobic and transphobic views be invited to speak at an event like this?
We did not report her to the police, nor did we say her views in her speeches on homosexuality should be criminalised. Therefore, her freedom of speech hadn't been violated.
Two important factors to consider:
Does the person's speech normalise or reinforce discrimination/harm on vulnerable communities? Is the person someone with considerable influence or power?
This saying by Voltaire is often used by liberals to defend free speech:

"I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
I'm not quite convinced by this. Your right to freedom of expression should not cause more pain to a marginalised community. Me cancelling you is not bullying. It's an act of resistance.
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