There are 2 reasons why we're seeing so many made up identities and sexualities.

1. Pple can't come to terms with how common, not special & mediocre they are.

2. Some pple want to be considered special & exceptional for their perverted sexual fetishes.
I call this phenomenon of pple #queertrenders.

We already call pple who claim to be trans but aren't "transtrenders" but these pple?

They claim to be "queer" (a homophobic slur by the way) in some way or another to avoid being labled the priveldged "cishet" & claim oppression
The reason why you're seeing pple claiming you don't need to have dysphoria to be trans, that even the word trans is "transphobic", pushing so hard for things like #selfid is bcs these pple are not & never were transsexuals. They're regular old boring straight pple.
These pple see non heterosexuality (the LGBT) as some cool trendy group to join but since they cannot meet the criteria to join the group

(these pple are straight. They're straight as fuck. They're not gay, bi, pan, or trans)

They make shit up in order to join the club.
Others are more devious than that and have more foul intentions than to just be "Special".

Perverted groups like MAPs, Zoophiliacs, Narcissistic self unaware Autogynephiliacs, Rapists ect seek to ride on the coattails of LGBT into acceptance from the society which banished them
Before u call me a bigot ask yourself this question.

Why are there so many pple who are perfectly comfortable with their bodies. Really want to keep their genitals just as they are, claiming to be a part of a group that feels the exact opposite way?
Why are there straight pple (mostly kids) claiming to be a part of the LGBT but are exclusively attracted to the opposite sex?

What the fuck is a demisexual? Does it really have any place at pride? It's just a prudish, less promiscuous heterosexual person. Are they OPPRESSED?
Why are pple pushing for self diagnosis? Why are they pushing for #selfid?

Why is the medical protocol that is safe gaurding pple from going to extreme measures when it's medically unnecessary called gate keeping? Like it's a bad thing?

What is the oppression?
Why are men. With dicks. Who want to keep their dicks. Are perfectly fine with said dick as is. Demanding entrance into lawlfully designated dick free spaces?

Why the special focus on the spaces meant for women and children only?

Why are white men claiming to be oppressed?
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