I mean, I've been skeptical of the existence of monosexuals, but you don't see me putting electrodes on people's genitals and making them watch porn with a bunch of my friends. Though, if you're into it...
And can we talk about that parenthetical about bisexual women? While people don't doubt me as much as that do my bi male partners, my sexuality has often been treated as a party trick I should use only to titillate (cis het) men.
This is one of a few reasons why I rarely call myself "bi" and usually use the label "queer," especially on dating sites. Get a lot fewer dudes asking if I have a girlfriend who can join us, because my relationships with women are purely for men, obviously.
And I don't mean to only focus on cis people, but most of my bad experiences come from cis people who seem to assume only cis people exist and that I'm only attracted to other cis people, which is very much not true.
Another reason I rarely use "bisexual" as a label is the confusion around who bi people are attracted to. I don't take the bi- prefix to mean there are only two genders, but I understand why someone might. Anyway. I prefer "queer" these days for a lot of reasons.
It's also taking all of my will power to not make an explicit joke about the evidence I have of the existence of bi men, mostly, though not exclusively, because my sisters follow me on here. So be thankful for them.
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