Y'know what, I don't want to call anyone out here, but stuff like this really gets on my nerves.

You can enjoy writing AND want to get published. There's no shame in that. As far as I'm concerned a story is incomplete until somebody has read it.


And you can write for fun, because you enjoy it. It doesn't have to be a life or death situation.

Hell, I'll go you one further, it SHOULDN'T be a life or death situation.

The Writing Fates are too fickle to place that much importance on them.

I love writing, but if I could never write again I think I'd be ok.

Placing too much importance on one thing is how people end up miserable, because when that one thing isn't working their whole life goes out of whack.

I'd agree that you shouldn't write what you *think* people want to read (ie. writing to get published). That will only lead to disappointment.

Write what *you* want to read, then you'll at least enjoy the act of creation, even if no one ever sees it.


Don't be ashamed of wanting to get published. I personally want as many people to see my work as is humanly possible. And if someone wants to pay me a lot of money to do so, well who am I to argue.

I'm not "doing it for the money", but I ain't gonna turn the money down.

Write what you love, enjoy the process, put your work out there, get paid, and feel no shame in any of it, because I guarantee that every successful writer you can think of did exactly that.

There's nothing wrong with wanting to get paid for doing something well.

If you treat writing like a life or death situation you will die a thousand times before breakfast.

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