The disengagement process between the Indian Army and China’s People’s Liberation Army at the face-off points in Eastern Ladakh has reached an impasse. The sources that were feeding a structured narrative to the media have now gone silent.
If the Chinese don't allow India even to achieve its aim — status quo ante April 2020, then what are India’s military options? There are two possible scenarios in which the conflict may unfold — the Chinese-initiated conflict scenario or the Indian-initiated conflict scenario.
India-initiated conflict scenario

In case China is content to limit its gains up to the 1959 claim line, then the onus is on us to force it to withdraw by military action. The inelegant option is to directly attack the intrusion points to evict the Chinese.
The advantage is that it can possibly restrict the scale of the conflict & can be done at a time & weather of our choosing. However, there is a disadvantage, it'll be difficult for the Indian forces to achieve surprise and that they would be attacking prepared enemy defences.
The second option is that we attack the vulnerable areas anywhere along the LAC for a quid pro quo with the Chinese — asking the PLA to withdraw from Indian territory in exchange of areas captured by the Indian Army. We can choose the time, place and weather for the operation.
In either scenarios, the force level required for inflicting defeat on the PLA in Ladakh is 3-4 divisions with 3-4 armoured brigades, each having a minimum of 2 armed regiments and 2 mechanised infantry battalions, backed by requisite air power, combat support arms and logistics.
We must not take counsel of our fears and worry unduly about the political consequences of a setback. If diplomacy fails, national honour demands that we take the battle to the enemy. The whole world is watching us.
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