Trump's stormtroopers tear-gassed Ted Wheeler, mayor of Portland.

He was there to listen to demonstrators.

The feds knew he was there.

I repeat: the federal government knowingly gassed the mayor of an American city.

Portland is a test run.
A trial balloon.
Be ready.
The President of the United States can't pass a #cognitivetest and we've got stormtroopers gassing the mayors of US cities. Here's Ted Wheeler after his second dose of tear gas.

Is this your America?

(follow @ByMikeBaker for #PortlandProtests updates)
Say what you want about Portland mayor Ted Wheeler, he took the front line like a champ and hung in there amidst the tear gas and flash bangs longer than most.

Welcome to Trump's America.

You can follow @AynRandPaulRyan.
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