David Tucker, racism and "cancel culture". A thread...
I respect that people have very strong feelings about the free exchange of ideas. That was not the case here. When discussing protests, you could say e.g. "I am uncomfortable with vandalism and I worry that some protestors are more interested in anarchy than helping people".
That could be the opening of a fruitful discussion that could foster growth and understanding between parties. When your opening line is "Those thugs are a pox on our society" you are reducing an an entire group of (black) people to non-human, and that is a non starter.
Calling out those comments and asking the RTF to make changes is not about punishment, it's about setting the acceptable window of debate. We can debate specific policies, fears, history etc. but I will not debate the humanity of black people. Or anyone else for that matter.
Racism is pervasive in our society. I have it in me and so do you. We are always the products of the community in which we exist. I have no interest in condemning people who say the wrong thing. I've said wrong things so many, many times.
To me, being anti-racist is about committing to growth. In myself and my community. The work will never be done, it has to be a way of life. And for me that goes beyond racism. I want to learn to be better every day, even when, especially when, that is uncomfortable.
If Mr. Tucker had shown even a small amount of interest in learning or listening, as the black artists in that thread were imploring him to do, I think things could have turned out differently. There were many, many opportunities. He did not take those opportunities.
I don't believe anyone in this world is beyond redemption. Not Mr. Tucker, nor Donald J. Trump, nor anyone else. Everyone is entitled their own path in life, but they are not entitled to hold positions of power while they deny others' humanity.
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