so! a quick thread on why you shouldn’t leave fic writers comments like this, because i’ve been staring at this comment for an hour and i want to do a quick, non passive aggressive (...kinda..), commentary on why this is not constructive feedback and entirely unneeded
firstly i think a distinction needs to be made between published authors and fic writers, because we’re not the same and it’s nothing to do wirh skill level. some of us are published authors, some have never written before in our lives but the big difference is: fic is free +
and for literally everyone. we don’t write for a target audience. we write for no one but ourselves and normally recieve nothing back for it besides nice comments and kudos. sometimes we don’t even get that and that’s okay! not getting recignition does not devalidate our work
deep down we know this. but. this also means our work is not up for criticism unless we express it is. if you read a a fic and you hate it for whatever reason: then you click off. unless we’ve invited you to critique us and start discourse: you don’t. it’s really not your place
comments like this don’t do anything besides making someone feel shitty. you haven’t pointed out a spelling mistake or made a suggestion (which, by the way, i do not want. just write your own fic! if that’s how you want something) you’ve just been kinda rude and mean
the fic this comment was left on currently sits at 30,000 words and will probs be 50,000 when its done if i decide to finish it, which i won’t if i just get more comments like this. i didn’t write this fic for you, i wrote it for me, but comments like this have that kind of power
i understand this thread is sort of nonsensical but i just wanted to get my feelings across! fic is for everyone but writers should be celebrated and encouraged, if you haven’t got something nice to say then don’t say it, unless your pointing out something problematic or harmful
(which i promise a fic about jk trying to seduce joon probs doesn’t have because it’s just fun!) so. please don’t be this person. please don’t leave anon criticism on fics, this isn’t the first piece of fan creation i’ve had mean comments on this (checks watch) literal month
anything i create is free i’m sorry if it’s not for you but, for the love of god, if that’s the case then just move on! complain about me in the DM’s but if i’m not actively being problematic i don’t need to take the brute of your frustration, even if i’m the creartor, thanks!
adding this because i’ve decided this thread applies to everyone except @outronamgis who’s puns deserve nothing but bullying
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