Ted Wheeler went down to the riots to show solidarity with the citizens he serves. Ironically, while actively stripping citizens of police protection and decrying the presence of DHS, he brought a personal plain clothed security detail for protection.

Ted’s delusion ....
was that he could lead and get on their level in any meaningful way. They shouted him down, threw bottles of water at him, chanted their hatred of him, and got in his face.

You can’t reason with them and they control you, Ted. I wonder if he had an epiphany or if he still ....
holds fast to his naive belief that anything other than force can stop this.

It’s a mob. They are rioters. Their language is irrational chaos. They’re in a frenzy and way past the point of reason.

Watching these mayors be publicly humiliated is unreal. ....
I think this is the very essence of the far-left/regressive left and if we let this rot spread the entire country will look like Portland.

Portland is progressivism.
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