And a fascist. No wiggle room.
some realizations are so terrible they feel like falling forever, like the realization that there are still 10s of millions of Americans who think Donald Trump is a good leader and hope to extend and expand this nightmare indefinitely
the 2016 election was like realizing terrorists have seized your airplane

the 2020 election is realizing the terrorists fully intend to fly the plane into a building
Finding a non-racist reason to support a racist leader isn't a non-racist activity.

Finding a non-fascist reason to support a fascist leader isn't a non-fascist activity.

These are viral attacks on healthy systems, which have no place in a healthy system
The purpose isn't to convince Trump voters. Of what could we convince them, that the reality of Trump wouldn't have already convinced them?

No. Our purpose is to oppose them.

There are more of us. They're simply more ruthless, and we've been unwilling to see their intentions.
We do not—and I cannot stress this enough—need to convince Trump voters that good and necessary things are good and necessary in order to do them.

We just have to do them, because they are good and necessary and represent the will of the majority of people.
The idea that we have to convince them is a lie told to prevent good and necessary things

When did they "convince us" that family separation and Muslim bans and disenfranchisement and gerrymandering were good and necessary? When did they even try to convince us?
When did they "convince us" that we had to allow the unrestricted sale of assault rifles, that there was nothing to be done to protect our schools?

When did they "convince us" to make no response to the deadliest challenges facing us, in order to protect corporate profit?
When did they "convince us" to derregulate every industry and strip away consumer protections?

When did they "convince us" to make police a militarized occupying force?

When did they "convince us" to make imprisonment a growth industry?
We don't have to "convince them" of a god damn thing.

We have to oppose them. And then defeat them. And then get down to the work of creating a fair, equitable, sustainable society that takes care of the basic human needs and ensures the dignity of EVERYBODY.

Even them.
We are about tolerance of human beings. We aren't about tolerance of toxic ideas.

We won't strip away Trump voters health care
We won't defund their children's schools
We wont expose them to a pandemic to preserve profits
And on, and on, etc

They can't say the same at all.
Those who treat matters of life and death as an abstract parlour game—in which people who intend good must first convince people who intend harm not to harm, yet oddly never apply that same restriction in reverse—know exactly what they are doing and what side they are helping.
Those that contend that calling a racist a racist condemns them to an unredeemable category deliberately takes the responsibility for racism out of the hands of those practicing racism, and places the burden of a racist's redemption not upon the racist, but upon those he harms.
The work of those who oppose fascism and racism is the opposition of racism and fascism. That is the moral demand that these viral beliefs, which have no place in a healthy society, creates.

Redemption of a racist? That's the racist's job. Their work. Not the work of others.
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