But wait! THERE'S MORE! I didn't remember him before Sinclair...Russian speaking? Part of the 2016 magats campaign? Testified? Whoa, let's dig into Boris more! He looms, I mean looks, like such a wholesome fellow! https://twitter.com/martywalser/status/1286152396876455936
"Epshteyn grew up in Moscow and met Trump’s son Eric Trump at Georgetown University, where Epshteyn received his law degree. After the campaign, he served as a senior adviser to the transition team and director of communications for the Pres" https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/white-house-press-officer-boris-epshteyn-investigation-russia/story?id=47731166
I feel a thread coming on...
"In 1993, at the age of 11, Epshteyn, the only son of Anna Shulkina and Aleksandr Epshteyn, left Moscow with his parents. Technically, they were fleeing anti-Semitism. They were also fleeing a collapsing economy and political chaos." 1/ish https://trumplandiamagazine.com/the-ethnic-profiling-of-boris-epshteyn-83a15e13c993
So Boris Epshteyn is a refugee? From Russia? Now I have some serious questions.


*** "They were granted refugee status by the US government." ***

Now I remember this schmuck, Russian Boris is back y'all. 4/ https://twitter.com/amjoyshow/status/774704646363484160?s=20
Remember him now? Smh 5/
7/ And his wife works for Google? And writes fiction. They have kids, ("anchor babies, chain migration" going on eh?) And apparently there she lied about attending the Women's March? https://pagesix.com/2017/01/30/trump-order-causes-turmoil-for-new-york-power-couple/
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