Since there are some fucking idiots who like to say "why do bisexual want to be oppressed so bad??1?" let's look at some statistics:

(cw: this thread has non detailed, non descriptive mentions of rape, sexual abuse, physical abuse, stalking)
1. Bisexual women face higer rates of rape:

- Lesbians – 13.1%
- Bisexual women– 46.1%
- Heterosexual women – 17.4%
2. Bi women face higher rates of stalking:

- Bisexual women - 36.6%
- Heterosexual women - 15.5%

- Estimates of stalking for other groups (lesbian women, gay and bisexual men) were based upon numbers too small to calculate a reliable estimate.
3. Bi women face higher rates of physical violence from their partners:

- Lesbians – 29.4%
- Bisexual women – 49.3%
- Heterosexual women – 23.6%
4. More than half of bisexual women (57.4%), a third of lesbian women (33.5%), and more than a fourth of heterosexual women (28.2%) who experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime reported at least one negative impact ->
-> (e.g., missed at least one day of school or work, were fearful, were concerned for their safety, experienced at least one post-traumatic stress disorder symptom).
5. Most bisexual and heterosexual women (89.5% and 98.7%, respectively) reported having only male perpetrators of intimate partner violence. Two-thirds of lesbian women (67.4%) reported having only female perpetrators of intimate partner violence. ->
-> The majority of bisexual men (78.5%) and most heterosexual men (99.5%) reported having only female perpetrators of intimate partner violence. Most gay men (90.7%) reported having only male perpetrators of intimate partner violence.
source for points 1 to 5: The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey
6. Bi people are more likely to self-harm, to feel that their life is not worth living and to feel anxiety.
source for point 6: LGBT in Britain health report
7. Bisexuals face higher rates of depression than straight, gay and lesbian people (40.1% compared to the 18.9% of straight people, 35.2% of gay and lesbian people and 24.1% of queer and questioning people)

source for point 7:
8. Bisexuals are more likely to live in poverty, to have a job and to use public benefits
10. Bisexuals, regardless of age range, are less likely to be out of the closet compared to gay men and lesbians.

Bisexuals 45 y/o and older are less likely to be out compared to bisexuals under 45 y/o
11. "Bisexuals ages 65 and older have shocking poverty
rates: 47% of bisexual older men and 48% of bisexual
women live at or below 200% of the federal poverty level. Transgender older adults have similar poverty rates"

source for points 10 and 11:
12. Bisexuals are less likely to be out of the closet and less likely to have told a parent:
13. Gay men and lesbians are more likely than bisexuals to say there is a lot of social acceptance of the LGBT population in their city or town. Four-in-ten gay men (39%) and 31% of lesbians, compared with 20% of bisexuals, say there’s a lot of acceptance where they live.
14. Bisexual people are less likely to have LGBT friends:

source for points 13 and 14:
15. Bisexuals are more likely to live in poverty and to report poor mental health:
16. 20% of bisexual reported experiencing a negative
employment decision based on
sexual orientation, while 60% reported hearing anti-bisexual jokes on the job

source for point 15 and 16:
17. Bisexuals are less likely to disclose their orientation to their medical providers.
19. 69% of bisexual youth hear their families make negative comments about LGBTQ people.

52% of bisexual youth report that their families have made them feel bad about being LGBTQ, compared to 45% of gay and lesbian youth.
More than 40% of bi+ youth have been mocked by their families for being LGBTQ.

Only 31% of bisexual youth have families who show support for them by getting involved in the larger LGBTQ and ally community.

Only 21% of bi+ youth feel like they can definitely be themselves at home, compared to 28% of gay and lesbian youth.

Bisexual youth also has higher rates of rape and sexual abuse.


87% of bi+ youth rate their average stress level as “5” or higher on a 1-10 scale.

41% of bi+ youth feel critical of their LGBTQ identities.


bisexuals also have higher rates of depression and mental health issues:
only 9% of bi+ youth would be very comfortable discussing a question about their LGBTQ identity with a counselor.

43% of bi+ youth report that they have received psychological or emotional counseling in the last 12 months.


a huge % of bi youth was victim of verbal abuse, while a smaller but still relevant % was victim of bullying.

Ok yknow what this study is way too long to post so read it here:
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