The DCMS report on the impact of COVID-19 on cultural institutions (and sport, and tourism) is out today. It's already been covered elsewhere but if you haven't seen, here's the headlines:

First off, here's the link if you want to read it yourself:
Main points:

1. COVID-19 is the biggest threat to our institutions, infrastructure and workforce in a generation

IN ADDITION TO the already announced funding, they call for sector-specific support that specifically includes measures for freelancers and small companies
2. A call for the continuation of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and SEISS for cultural sectors until the income stabilises again

3. It's regrettable that the £1.57b was announced so late as it could've prevented mass redundancies and theatre closures
4. "The Government must learn from the shortcomings of previous support...should not restrict support to well established, high profile, institutions... essential that cultural freelancers and small companies in the creative industries... are also eligible for direct support."
5. Calling on an extension of the VAT cut to extend three years from January 2021 and increasing Theatre Tax Relief to 50% for that duration as well.
6. Lessons to be learned from the Arts Council and how funds were distributed. Restrictive to only allow institutions that had already had public funding.
And on the ACE point, they said - "It must also ensure an equitable distribution of cultural resources across all parts of the UK—north and south, rural and urban—and support for BAME and disabled artists and audiences."

"The £1.57 billion of support from Government will only tide the cultural sector over for so long and will not be sufficient to compensate for a loss of the Christmas season."

Essentially, we need more support (and dates for reopening to be provided by 1 Aug)
8. They're concerned technology is being explored to facilitate gatherings but not in a collaborative way across sectors.
And producers in particular should be happy about this one:

9. A call for adequate insurance "Without it, efforts to resume filming, touring and live performance are doomed to failure"
All in all, an interesting read. Have a look through if you have a spare few minutes!
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