Just checking in on Edinburgh's pioneering "car-free" urban eco-housing scheme and it appears the verges have been laid with mesh mats to convert them to... Car parking🤫
The controlled barrier to keep the place "car-free" appears to have been missing since 2012...
The entry barrier missing since at least 2011 (it only shows in the 2008 photo)
This housing development was opened with something approaching a fanfare in 2000. As well as the insulation standards, it has a district heating scheme, "green" courtyards, greywater treatment etc. And is meant to provide only 10% parking capacity
On 120 flats that makes no more than 12 parking spaces. I understand the housing association who developed this had to fight the council to get provision this low, as the presumption was you needed it to be much higher to prevent "parking on neighbouring streets"
The access road around the block should therefore be effectively free of traffic. Instead it is free-flow, with parking now formalised almost all the way around it, instead of provision for those who need it most
(This must be causing an issue as some fairly serious speed-bumpage has been bolted down quite recently)
One thing that did always bug me about this place is how the foot/cycle paths to it didn't run through it, but were cut by that access road which takes priority
Oh yes and at the other end, if you're leaving the place on foot and don't fancy walking on that "shared space" road, then this is your access towards Slateford
A fun quiz to end. How many pioneering, "car-free urban villages" has Edinburgh built in the last 20 years?
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