A typical ED shift, in @HamiltonMusical gifs, inspired by @KBrookeGolisch

First, my reaction when the attending tells me I need to get a second trop if I want to discharge the patient with chest pain.
When the intern thinks it’s busy, and the board looks the best it has in weeks
When you call a consult and they tell you they are super busy.
Coaching a new Med student on how to give an EM presentation
When the senior asks you if you want to intubate for the first time
Working with a senior on the first senior shift
When you get signed out a trash board and know exactly what kind of shift you are about to have
When I steal a procedure from a male colleague 😬
When you and your shift buddy run a code like bosses and get ROSC
When the screaming guy curses and asks how I will make him leave
When your “unknown” is sober but needs their identity registered to be discharged
When you hear a procedure is happening and you only need to log one more
Leaving the department after your last shift in a string of nights
TNF after nailing a subclavian @SinaiEM
When someone asks you how you got into EM
When someone asks if I would try any other specialty. #EM
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