Following: a thread on the scandalous care failing at @ekhuft which is costing the lives of dozens of people but is being largely ignored. 1/12
First some facts: @ekhuft has recorded twice as many deaths from coronavirus than any other trust over the last 30 days. It is currently accounting for 1 in 10 of all covid-related deaths and is recording more fatalities than in ALL of London 2/12
Like most trusts, @ekhuft saw a steady fall in coronavirus deaths from the April peak. Unlike most trusts, this stopped a month ago. Deaths DOUBLED and then fell slightly, but have plateaued at the current rate 3/12
We now come to the most disturbing part of the story – no-one seems to have noticed or to care. Until @AliJaneMoore started to cover the story for @hsjnews even those working at the trust appeared unaware there was problem 4/12
It now appears that NINE wards at the trust had an infection control problem, but @ekhuft is refusing to expand on the nature of the challenge 6/12
The local @nhsengland office has consistently tried to play down the problem and there has been no apparent action from its head office – despite @hsjnews being aware of long-standing concerns at the centre about @ekhuft ‘s infection control record 8/12
The @CareQualityComm appears to be missing in action and - with the honourable exception of Labour’s @RosieDuffield1 - the local MPs have been silent. We’ve heard nothing from @MattHancock or indeed - @Jeremy_Hunt 9/12
I get the impression the view is: ‘it’s only a dozen or so deaths which shouldn’t have happened compared to the thousands we saw at the peak. Deaths in hospitals are no longer the problem and this will sort itself out given time’ 10/12
Well, 30 days after the problem arose it is STILL persisting and the attitude of denial from the trust, its commissioners and those overseeing them should make the residents of East Kent VERY nervous in the face of possible second wave 11/12
Meanwhile, it might be an idea for @ekhuft to put aside some cash for the pay outs it will incur when relatives of those who have died realise how avoidable their deaths were - FINISH
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