Thread on leaving the greens:
I have left the Green Party. I doubt that’s a surprise to most people.
The reasons I have left are obvious, I joined the greens with the hope of furthering the cause of climate justice..1/
The pfg that has been agreed on is a terrible document. The membership were told it contained certain things that it didn’t.
This government, I believe (and I hope I’m wrong) will do massive damage to the idea of environmentalism by linking it with socially regressive policies 2/
Only by viscerally improving peoples lives will support for climate action be ensured.
Our problems in housing, tax avoidance, healthcare, agriculture etc are inextricably linked with and reinforce environmental breakdown and because of this solutions must be mutual 3/
The @JTG_ie are an affiliate group that has been set up.
While I am not involved with them anymore (I couldn’t stomach being affiliated with the greens) I support and understand what they are doing.
I hope they break off and form an actual eco socialist party 4/
I don’t believe that our pathway to a just and free society lies in electoral politics.
I have seen how brilliant and brave people are bullied and silenced within parties that profess to be grounded in equality and democracy.
I’ve seen how much effort and energy gets taken up 4/
By elections and internal party struggles.

Our only way forward is climate justice and that’s what I will continue to work towards but the greens no longer provide a vehicle to do that.5/
I do hope I’m mistaken and I hope this government exceeds all expectations.
I’d happily be proven so wrong! 6.
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