The pandemic has created serious setbacks to our normal trend of work especially in the #TransitionalJusticeUg field where we want to get the victims to participate. And in Uganda, some of the victims don't have modern services like radios or even phones- Margaret Ajok
@JLOSUganda Has developed a media campaign that will reach its masses through radio, TV and print media while disseminating the Transitional Justice policy in the 9 sub regions in Uganda. #TransitionalJusticeUg
A number of survivors and victims were exposed to fear, anxiety and trauma because they didn't know what exactly the coronavirus was and if they would survive. The aspect of the lock down also took the survivors by surprise and their small businesses were affected- Carol Adio.
When it comes to access to justice, the courts of law were not functional during lock down and mediation of land conflicts were put on hold because the SOPs had to be observed. As a result many women have lost their land - Carol Betty Adio
There was an increase in land conflicts because agriculture was the only sector that wasn't greatly affected and lots of people returned to it to generate income to provide for their families- Carol Betty Adio
Women have lost income in this period, some lost their jobs and are unable to support themselves especially single mothers. When gov't was distributing food, there was no strategy to support vulnerable families and survivors who were left out - Carol Adio
Many girls have been exposed to rape and defilement for instance in Gulu, due to delayed access to justice, 3 girls who had been raped ended up HIV positive because PEP was not given to them on time - Carol Betty Adio
In the Rwenzori region, youth have continuously been mobilised in large numbers to stir conflict. People who mobilise youth take advantage. As we approach the election period, we might see a lot of youth engage in acts of violence- Francis Tuhaise.
The involvement of LDUs, military and the police to manage curfew and the SOPs, has increased tensions in the region. Excessive use of force by security forces in is pervasive & entrenched. This has been magnified during the COVID-19 crisis- Francis Tuhaise #TransitionalJusticeUg
There's need to re-energize survivors & victims, put in place direct interventions, find creative ways of mobilising the vulnerable groups of people to a legitimate and solid platform so that their voices are not excluded from these spaces- Francis Tuhaise #TransitionalJusticeUg
When it comes to #COVID19, it's not different for women in conflict and post conflict areas. This is a health crisis but the impact has broadly affected human rights violations including access to social services like health, education&justice- @keziehelen #TransitionalJusticeUg
There needs to be specific funding that goes to women and youth that addresses the trauma they have endured. It also has to be a holistic approach b'se we can't say we are economically empowering women when we are not considering their health @keziehelen
How do we ensure that the budgeting post COVID is inclusive of these vulnerable groups of people? How do we prioritise them?
How do we ensure that Health centre IIs have these services closer to the people in the communities. @keziehelen #TransitionalJusticeUg
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