masculine energy is knowledge
feminine energy is knowing
feminine energy ( intuitive feeling ) flowing and dynamic. The core of feminine energy is creation out of thin air It’s moves can’t be predicted or always explained with the rational mind and doesn’t follow any rules other than guidance coming from her heart. feminine energy
is receiving because it doesn’t goes out into the world to receive, it comes to her. Feminine energy sees possibilities that are invisible feminine energy is inner power ( senses, create,nurture,being, experiencing )
masculine energy ( logical thinking ) stable and predictable masculine energy likes to create structure and rules so it knows how to apply logic correctly pure masculine energy has the gift of clarity, so it knows what needs to be done to achieve something this energy
is brutally honest and straight forwards . Masculine energy is protective and can sense danger from a far. Masculine energy is righteous energy. Masculine Energy is outer power ( mind, risk taking, controlling, competitive, intellectual, giving )
to clarify: man can embody feminine energy, woman can embody masculine energy
Feminine YIN signs are Pisces, Virgo, Scorpio, Taurus, Capricorn, and Cancer

Masculine YANG signs are Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius
anybody can learn and embody these energies
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