On this thread I'm talking about the blunders made "Blunder King Nehru" and still pay the price of his worse blunders!

But the first blunder of Independent India commited by "Father of Nation" Mahatma Gandhi to chose Nehru as India's first Prime Minister over Sardar Patel. 1/n
A. Kashmir Issue

Nehru single-handedly created the Kashmir issue that weighs India down to this day.
1. By refusing J&K's accession to India when it was first offered in September 1947;
2. By accepting it only if the unconditional accession was made temporary & conditional;
3. By preventing the Indian Army from liberating the whole of J&K from Pak invaders at the end of 1948;

4. By needlessly internationalising the issue & lastly by engineering, despite opposition from Patel & Ambedkar, Article 370 & Article 35A of the Indian constitution. 3/n
B. Refusing to take permanent seat for India at UNSC

Shashi Tharoor in his book "Nehru The Invention Of India" says, "Nehru declined USA offer to India to take the Permanent Seat on the United Nations Security Council around 1953 & suggested that it be given to China." 4/n
In 1947, the Khan of Kalat, a princely state in Balochistan, opted to join India rather than Pakistan.
He sent Nehru signed accession papers that officially made Kalat a part of the Union of India & Nehru rejected those paper.

And after this Pakistan occupied Balochistan. 5/n
Obstructing Sardar Patel's plan to liberate Hyderabad from the murderous Nizam... #BlunderKing
Gifting Manipur's Kabo valley to Burma...

The lush, fertile and resource-rich Kabo valley, which measures over 11,000 sq km, has been part of Kingdom of Manipur.
After Independence Manipur became a part of India.

Jawaharlal Nehru gifted it to Burma (Myanmar) in 1954. 7/n
Gifting the strategically located Coco Islands to Burma

Nehru the selfmade King gifted Great Coco Island & Little Coco to Burma after Independence & later Burma handed over these islands to China. Now China can watch Indian Navy's activities on Bay of Bengal
#BlunderKing 8/n

The Sultan of Oman offered the port of Gwadar to India in 1958. Nehru rejected the offer. Pakistan subsequently bought the strategically-located port, which today is the lynchpin of China's CPEC segment of its massive Belt and Road project.
#BlunderKing 9/n
Preventing Nepal from re-joining India.

In the early 1950s, Nepal's King Tribhuvan offered to merge Nepal with India. However, for reasons best known to him, Nehru rejected the offer, spurning the opportunity to regain India’s historic territory.
#BlunderKing 10/n
Hostility towards Sardar Patel's restoration of the Somnath Temple.

After India's Independence, UnionHome Minister Sardar Patel pledged to rebuild the Somnath temple that was last destroyed by Aurangzeb.
Nehru opposed the project & terming it "Hindu revivalism."
Much before China became the first Asian nation to test a nuclear device, US President Kennedy had offered to help India build & detonate one in the Rajasthan desert.

But Nehru turned down the offer & India lost the opportunity to become 1st nuclear power of Asia. 12/n

In 1960, PM Nehru, for the sake of "friendship" and "goodwill" signed one of the most unequal, lopsided treaties ever — the Indus Waters Treaty, giving Pakistan ownership of over three-fourths of the water the flows through the Indus System of Rivers located in India. 13/n

Nehru giving up on Tibet, placing India's water security and northern border at China's mercy... 14/n


Nehru's inept and myopic foreign policy, lack of foresight, hare-brained "forward policy", and grounding of the Indian Air Force led to India's humiliating defeat in the 1962 war with China, and the loss of the Aksai Chin peninsula among several other territories. 15/n
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