I’m in downtown Portland for the late-night tear gas shift!

So far I have missed Ted Wheeler (mayor of Portland, head shooty boy) speaking to the crowd.
This spray painting says, “PPB stands 4 piss pants babies.” I always thought it stood for Portland Police Bureau, but I could be wrong!
As I walked up, federal police made an announcement on their LRAD. I couldn’t hear it because their LRAD is very quiet. There are sooo many people here. Some are setting off loud fireworks.
This sign says, “Tear gas during a pandemic is bioterrorism!”
The crowd parts for Snack Van.
I didn’t hear what the feds said, but Sergio did! https://twitter.com/mrolmos/status/1286177655570575360
This sign says, “PDX IS ANTIFA!” and had red hearts painted on it.
The city removed all the benches from the parks so I’m sitting on the ground. People who are not sitting on the ground include @MrOlmos @PDocumentarians @45thabsurdist @tuckwoodstock @alex_zee @GriffinMalone6 @AndrewJank @suzettesmith @defendpdx @Clypian and more!
👀 https://twitter.com/mrolmos/status/1286181240446414852
This sign says, “George Floyd’s life mattered.” Minneapolis police killed George Floyd 58 days ago on May 25.
Federal police deploy flash bangs and shoot munitions in front of the federal courthouse. As far as I know, the mayor is still one block south at the Justice Center. On a normal night, federal police would have used a lot of tear gas by now because of the fire.
Folks, we’ve got tear gas in front of the federal courthouse! Tear gas is an abortifacient and causes you to cough. Right now we’re in a global pandemic that is spread by coughing.
I finally found a bench to sit on lol there’s tear gas everywhere
Protesters chant, “The whole world is watching!” and the federal police make an announcement and there’s a fire inside the fence.
These spray paintings on the Justice Center say, “Black lives matter,” and “Feds go home,” and we’re waiting to get tear gassed in front of the federal courthouse.
Federal police came out and the crowd hates it.
More tear gas and flash bangs deployed, but again, not as much as I would except if the mayor weren’t here. (Is he still here, by the way?)
Stop telling me the mayor was tear gassed lol he was the one ordering the tear gassing for like 45 days. It is not impressive to me, sorry!
Thick tear gas and a protester sets off a firework. People cheer, probably for the firework and not for the tear gas.
Federal police shoot flash bangs into what’s left of the crowd. Most protesters have moved West, as they usually do during attacks.
Someone plays the Star Wars song and federal police make an announcement, threatening arrest and other things for people who remain in the area. Protesters shake the fence.
Tuck has eyes on Ted, who is not here anymore! https://twitter.com/tuckwoodstock/status/1286193671629443072
Protesters chant, “This is not a riot! It’s a revolution!” These signs at 3rd & Main say, “Fuck you, Trump,” and, “Gas me, Teddy!”
Camo Pants has a hockey stick, if anyone cares. 🤷🏼‍♀️
As far as I can tell, this fire is the reason for the tear gas and other munitions.
I stopped by Riot Ribs and they have their food and supplies covered with tarps and garbage bags, presumably to protect it from getting coated in pepper spray, as it did last night.

There’s still a line of 30 people waiting for food, though.
A protester shouts, “And fuck your weak ass LRAD bullhorn! Just go home!”

The federal LRAD is much quieter than PPB’s.
Big tear gas attack on SW 3rd.
Protesters with umbrellas and homemade shields face off against federal police in a cloud of tear gas. A protester walks past with a leaf blower.
I don’t know if you understand how good all the local journalists are getting at filming a war zone. https://twitter.com/alex_zee/status/1286200496961667072
PPB declares a riot and closed a large section of downtown. It’s unusual for PPB to get involved when feds are already attacking.
PPB makes another riot announcement as federal police continue to tear gas and shoot protesters.
I’m a leaf blower skeptic but it actually seems like they’re pretty effective at dispersing tear gas.
Federal LRAD makes an announcement then PPB makes an announcement about how this is their fifth announcement and folks, we’ve got a battle of the LRADs.
American flag and tear gas.
I gassed my eyes by taking my goggles off in the middle of a cloud of tear gas lol.
Leaf blowers and a decent crowd left in front of the federal courthouse.
Here’s the fire on the NW corner of federal property.
It’s very tense but @riotribs has this adorable hand washing station.
Do you see them? Federal police are announcing, “Attention! Attention! Attention! If you are on federal property, you are subject to arrest!”

A protester yells, “You’re not my real dad!”
Just stopped by Riot Ribs and they said they need more lights!
I briefly took off my helmet and goggles to put on a sweater and police starting shooting munitions about 20 feet away from me in the park! 😬
A protester is bleeding from their leg.
Protesters rush to extinguish a tear gas canister.

This might be the least dispersable crowd I’ve ever seen. Also, federal agents haven’t bull rushed yet, which is weird.
Big chants of “Whose streets? Our streets!” as federal police continue to tear gas.
Who would win in this battle?

➡️the two drops of lavender oil I put in my mask earlier


➡️the federal police’s seemingly unending supply of tear gas
I’m hiding on the ground in Riot Ribs and federal police are shooting pepper balls (I think?) into their canopy.
It’s hard to tell because *gestures vaguely* but I’d say there are 200 protesters left at the federal courthouse.
I haven’t seen PPB do anything besides make announcements, but I’m just one girl. I think all tear gas, flashes, and munitions have come from federal police tonight. Although PPB did declare a riot, which allows them to use those things.
Here’s the fire inside the fence. Things have been pretty stable for a while, and by stable I mean federal police are shooting things from the courthouse and protesters are throwing water bottles and the occasional firework back.
You already know the chant, “What did you see? Didn’t see shit!”

May I introduce you to the chant, “What can I see? Can’t see shit!” but it’s just me marching in circles chanting that because my goggles won’t stop fogging up.
There are 19 people in line at Riot Ribs. It is 2:20 a.m.
Federal Protective Service has been announcing that protesters should not damage or climb on the fence, which is still in tact.
Snack Van arrives honking merrily like an ice cream truck from hell.
Here are some umbrellas at the fence. I tried to film this a minute ago without goggles like a big, big dummy and pepper ball juice sprayed into my eye.
By the way, there are two gates in the fence. They used to be padlocked from the inside.
Rib check! I wish you could smell them. 🤤
The balloons are still here! There are about 50 protesters left in front of the fence, and more chilling in the park.
Two announcements from federal police. Don’t fuck with the fence (not their exact words) and, “You are on federal property. You are subject to arrest. Leave the area now.”

I can’t express to you how dweeby tonight’s federal LRAD announcer sounds.
Big tear gas attack on 3rd. I was in the northern park without my gas mask watching some protesters try to take down the soldier statue.
Did you know there’s a satellite Riot Ribs at 3rd & Yamhill and you can go there if you get tear gassed at the original Riot Ribs?

Also there is an entire chicken in one of these barbecues.
*to the tune of Don’t Fence Me In*

🎵 Don’t snatch me, feds 🎵
Someone is performing spoken word into a megaphone at the satellite Riot Ribs and there aren’t that many people here so I feel like I have to listen attentively and it’s 3:29 a.m.
This pink sign at my new favorite Riot Ribs says, “Damages to federal building - $50,000! / 1,629,700 employed tax payers = $0.030680... Less than one cent is worth more than a fucking life?!?”
There’s still a decent group of protesters and Riot Ribs helpers at the federal courthouse.

Here’s what it looks like inside the fence.
I’m sitting in the dirt eating a delicious hot dog and watching people climb back and forth over the fence and it’s 3:57 a.m.
A big, serious-looking protester strolls past me singing “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?” from the hit film Frozen (2013).
A group of protesters in the park is discussing how silly it would be if police deployed laughing gas instead of tear gas.

“They’d be like, ‘Stop resisting arrest!’ and you’d be like, ‘Resisting arrest?? Teeheeheeheehee,” one protester says, and everyone giggles.
Federal police just deployed more tear gas but not that much because I’m not wearing my gas mask and I didn’t even have to move from the dirt in the park.

Also protesters have started another small fire, this time outside the fence.
There are 21 people on 3rd in front of the fence and more in the park. It’s quiet and I haven’t heard from or been shot at by police in a while.
No cops. No cell phones. Just people living in the moment.
I made myself a weird little rat nest out of free clothes, and with the exception of Riot Ribs folks, I don’t understand why people are still here, including me.
🚨🚨🚨early morning good boy alert🚨🚨🚨
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