Does shia sunni beef twitter realize that history is presented to our respective groups completely differently.... people are portrayed as being completely different depending on who you learned about them from
For example, “cursing the sahabah”

Do Shias REALLY think that sunnis are defending corrupt people, KNOWING that they’re corrupt, like y’all realize to THEM, we’re cursing “good” people

And Sunnis do y’all REALLY think that Shias just curse the “sahabah” for no reason?
The amount of arrogance it takes to villainize an entire sect and label them as jaahil or kaafir, Wallahi learn to have some empathy
Honestly, THIS is the issue, not the fundamental details about religion in itself, most people don’t really understand Islam well enough to be convinced by an argument based on logic, the vast majority of Muslims follow what they were taught, whether they wanna believe that or no
I’m not telling y’all what to believe, I’m telling y’all that the vast majority of you are incapable of viewing things from other people’s perspective, you lack empathy, which makes you a failure no matter what branch you follow
Wallahi I’d rather spend a lifetime with someone who learned manners from Umar than someone who failed to learn basic human decency from the Ahlulbayt (AS), what a disgrace, as a shia you should be the best of Muslims, don’t let your actions be the cause of shame for them
For the love of God, please be kind to each other, use your common sense, and warm the hearts of those around you

Fear Allah and the Day of Judgement
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