+9 days after the president “very much quelled” protests in Portland
Federal officers sent to Portland have had this effect
“Whose streets, our streets” #portlandprotest day 55
Thousands jumping in the street 🥁
It’s 9:41pm on a Wednesday #portlandprotest #pdxprotest
Drum cirlcle 🥁
Mayor Ted Wheeler has arrived on day 55, protestors are projecting a message for him “Theodore, Fancy seeing you here”
The Mayor has been down here once before, but his arrival on day 55 brings to mind that west wing line: “you're like the French radical watching the crowd run by and saying, "There go my people. I must find out where they're going so I can lead them."
“Wheeler, resign”
It’s not just the youth out here anymore
There’s about two thousand people here
An artist portrays Donovan labella, the protestor hit by impact munitions to the head
Snack van ™️ on station
Protestor throws flare, it flames out
Protestor throws second flare, it drops to the sidewalk.
Feds stripper bolts to the fence
Portland protestors have a long relationship with fences; @sacredfence
Protestors are shooting Roman candles at the buidling
Protestors are firing Roman candles at the federal courthouse.
Federal protective services issue a warning through speaker
A protestor made it over the fence. He returns to a roaring crowd
A protester made it in, shot with pepper balls, climbs back to a crowd cheering for him
Protesters are shaking the fence, Feds have given use of force warning: impact munitions and riot control agents
FPS use of force warning, protesors shake fence in protest
Federal protective services “do not attempt to damage the fence, failure will result in arrest or use of force, including impact munitions and riot control agents”
The mayor is still here, up the street at the justice center
Protestors kick the fence in unison
A fire has started (in more ways than one)
The fire rises
Protestor walks inside the fence
Day 55
Day 55
Feds “Do not attempt to damage the fence”

Protestors: 🔥
Portland protest day 55
Federal officers run out to repair fence, use impact munitions and tear gas.

Protestors use umbrellas as shields.
Protestors are lit up by pepper balls and impact munitions, they stand their ground though
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