🔥🔥From This to FIT and RICH🔥🔥

The first 30 days of my journey From This to Fit and Rich (A Thread)

The basic rundown of the steps I took once I decided to quit only relying on my 9-5 and start making positive changes for my health and wealth
As you can see in the picture above

I’m out of shape ⭕️

This picture doesn’t even do it justice

I’m probably 10 or 15 pounds heavier than I was when this picture was taken

As you could imagine,

The bigger I got, the more shy around cameras I got
The photo below illustrates how much money I made online prior to starting this journey

As you can see, it’s shape is very similar to that of my physique
So I’ll begin with the steps I decided to take

1. Eat healthy natural foods
2. Exercise
3. Join twitter
4. Buy a course (or a few)
5. Choose a strategy
6. Grow a following
7. Execute a strategy
8. Document & Share results
Steps 1, 2, and 3 won’t get a large explanation

I eat foods that Mother Nature provides and I move a little everyday

I will be starting a weight training regimen on Monday that was graciously provided by @iAmKyleCee

You’ll see more on that around day 60

I joined twitter
Step 4 was to buy a course

Once I decided to try this whole make money on twitter thing I went to someone who was doing it successfully @CJ_Johnson17th

I bought his Reloaded Hustlers Field Manual

This course is about as detailed as could be. I was overwhelmed
I’ll have to go back and read it now that I know what some of the stuff actually means

I tried everything!

I got on eBay, alibaba, marketplace, I bought stocks, I tweeted, I engaged, I asked questions...

I did too much

I accomplished very little
Step 5 - strategy

I decided I needed to focus on 1 thing in order to have success

I started with affiliate marketing

I bought courses & joined forces with

You can check out their products here https://linktr.ee/Advantedg 
Step 6 - Following

With limited space I can’t get too involved in how I did this but I basically commented and tweeted like crazy.

In the last 28 days I tweeted 3,245 Xs
Got 14.7k profile visits
Added 240 followers

That’s not bad except I need better follow conversion rates
Step 7 - Execute

I took the teachings from @tylerwdwyer and @TheAffCoach and put them into action

Find them here 👇👇👇

And here 👇👇👇

I’d go more into detail but it’s their info to sell, not mine to give away

DM me for tips🤫
Really though, those guys have excellent courses and you should take a look at them

Step 8 is document and share

Which is what this thread is all about

I have started a more in depth ebook that I’ve set for release on July 25th

It will be free and will include more detail
Like best tweets

More analytics on engagement

Dividend strategies

Infinite banking

Worst mistakes

Engagement groups


I hope you’ll keep an eye out for them
I can’t end this without a shoutout to some of the accounts that keep me in check and support all of my goals. Nothing but love to
@BurnhamGrowth @iAmKyleCee @DivBabySteps @chadaunderwood @tyromper @BuildBigMoney1 @Ryylocc
I’m sure there are more and I apologize if I missed you
You can follow @EDGcoach.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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