Happy birthday to Emperor Haile Selassie, one of the most iconic and brilliant monarchs in history.

The following thread describes some of Haile Selassie's greatest achievements & the many reforms he introduced to Ethiopia that elevated our nation & people forever.
Tafari being the son of the widely traveled Ras Makonnen grew up in Harar and was educated in French at Menelik School; Ethiopia's first modern educational facility.

In the tradition of Emperors Tewodros & Menelik, Tafari became a reformer against conservative attitudes.
Ras Tafari's brilliance in foreign affairs succeeded in gaining Ethiopia's entry into the League of Nations in 1923 as the only African country.

This was a major step in combating the age old isolation of Ethiopia & negated pressures from Italy and neighboring colonial powers.
In 1924 Tafari embarked on a world tour taking him to 9 European countries. This tour encouraged Ethiopian society to be aware of the rest of the world & adopt innovations.

The British presented Tafari with one of Emperor Tewodros' crowns looted from Maqdala 56 yrs earlier.
Tafari established a modern hospital, the Bet Sayda, & Tafari Makonnen school which taught in English & French.

Tafari urged his fellow nobles to follow his example & found more schools.

In 1928, Tafari decreed symbolic fines for parents who left their children illiterate!
A diplomatic crisis between Ethiopia, Italy, and Britain erupted when the two colonial powers plotted to put pressure on Ethiopia through the Anglo-Italo agreement in 1925

Tafari commissioned the American J.G. White Engineering company to build a Dam on Lake Tana as a response.
Tafari ascended the throne as Emperor Haile Selassie in 1930.

The coronation ceremony was attended by representatives from all over the world including the Duke of Gloucester for Britain, the Prince of Udine for Italy, & Marshal Franchet d'Esperey of France.
Ethiopia became an island of independence in a sea of colonialism.

In Jamaica, the coronation of Haile Selassie was the realization of a biblical prophesy that "Kings would come out of Africa." & created the Rastafari faith according Haile Selassie the rank of divinity.
In 1931 Haile Selassie established Ethiopia's first written Constitution.

The Emperor decreed an anti-slavery ban which provided for the gradual & systematic emancipation of slaves setting up over 64 anti-slavery offices & schools for the children of the emancipated.
The Ministry of Education was established in 1930 & the first girls school was founded in Addis Ababa named after Empress Menen.

The Empress Zewditu Memorial Hospital was also established by 7th-Day Adventists in Addis Ababa in 1934.
The country's first radio station was established in 1931 which allowed the emperor to address a 'message to the world' in 1935 about the Fascist invasion and horrendous war crimes including the use of illegal mustard gas & the systematic bombing of Red Cross hospitals.
Emperor Haile Selassie gave one of the most iconic speeches at the League of Nations where he outlined the war crimes committed by the Fascists on his people including the use of illegal mustard gas.

This impacted the international community to support Ethiopia & condemn Italy.
During the Italian occupation Ethiopians were relegated to 2nd class citizens & all schools established by Haile Selassie were closed to prevent an educated population.

After the Fascists were ran out of Ethiopia the Emperor re-opened all pre war schools & established many more
Education became so popular that while the emperor drove in his car, he would be mobbed by children yelling "School, school!"

Haile Selassie established Ethiopia's first University which had colleges of business, law, medicine, Ethiopian studies, patho-biology and many more!
A number of new hospitals were established including the first modern teaching hospital named after the Emperor's daughter, Princess Tsehai, who served as a nurse in Britain in 1940 during the London Blitz.
Haile Selassie's period saw steady economic growth in light industries in cotton, sugar, cement, leather, & printing factories. Road, air, and shipping, as well as banking and insurance services were expanded leading to paid employment, an educated population, & urbanization!
In 1945, Haile Selassie established ETHIOPIAN AIR LINES with the help of the Americans.

Ethiopian airlines today has 111 planes, and is larger than any other airline on the continent, flying to 106 international and 23 domestic destinations.
HS established the African union to bring together our continent in solidarity.

Haile Selassie trained Nelson Mandela in guerilla warfare to fight against apartheid.

Haile Selassie also gave land to Jamaicans who wanted to return to the motherland and live in Ethiopia.
Emperor Haile Selassie like all leaders had his faults, but his love for Ethiopia & his people is undeniable. The reforms & innovations he introduced elevated our nation like never before.

We pay homage and no amount of propaganda will ever destroy H.I.M.'s legacy.
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