I’ve come to recognize the importance of holding *both* sides of an idea at the same time.

The demand for simple answers, quips, and tweets means we are incentivized to “choose a side” and stick with it.

If new info arrives, most people dig in even further...
Most ppl don’t have patience for things they can’t immediately comprehend.

If someone says “it depends...”, their response is considered ‘weak’.

If someone shares a truism that sounds “bold”, they are lauded.
This is our reality.

It directly impacts our discourse and the ideas that propagate accordingly.

We can counter it with our own choices — what we say and what we share directly shapes the idea marketplace.
We have to overcome the temptation to summarize and simplify every single thing purely for the sake of convenient consumption.

The world is complex, and sometimes we need to embrace that.

Truth lives in the depths of nuance.
Good term to describe this: “Open-mindedness”
Love this perspective on the idea: "Quantum Thinking"

"Quantum thought, simply is being able to hold two opposing thoughts at the same time.

Not only should you disagree with others, but you should disagree with yourself." https://twitter.com/TheOtherParvez/status/1286194239244660737
You can follow @daretorant.
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