I know it's not really to be annoyed by Ita Buttrose stuff and just like... casually be flippant and smartarse about it on Twitter, but man...

I really believe history will look back on that generation as the worst of the worst.
They lived through insane prosperity, had every advantage handed to them. Then when it came time to sacrifice and preserve even a bit of that prosperity to secure a safer future for their kids and grandkids they absolutely shat the bed.
Instead they say dumb shit like, "we need hugs."

My Dad, who is 59 and awesome flat out told me one time, "Son, we fucked it. Sorry."

Most adults that age don't have that self awareness.

If I had to make one sweeping, stupid generational statement, that's it: Boomers have zero self-awareness or ability to reflect and change.
I can't believe I did a Twitter thread in 2020. Big apologies.
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