US agencies have options for publishing open health data online. @USDataGov or 
On Monday, @HHSgov launched a new site that aggregates #COVID19 data: 
The new website combines #opendata from US agencies with data from academia, nonprofits, industry & hospitals

It's the @CDCgov data that was taken offline, to much outcry:
…after the Trump administration changed how data flowed:
But today, "hospitals & states are scrambling to adopt a new national #Covid19 data reporting system hastily implemented by the Trump administration last week that has left some…states in the dark about the severity of their own coronavirus outbreaks."
The Trump administration not only told states to transition quickly to a new system but tied doing so to getting remdesivir, a vital drug used to treat #COVID19.

And as a result, some states are experiencing "data blackouts" during the pandemic: Unreal.
But read deeper: on the same call @HHSGov CIO made claims to reporters about more data & "maximum transparency," he also said that the public will have to "undergo authentication" to access data from @CDCgov & @FEMA:

That's not #opendata, folks.

The good news is that data is back, as @rypan shared:

The bad news is that in July 2020, this @WhiteHouse still isn't sharing what it knows about the #COVID19 pandemic with states, hospitals, or the American public:
This @HHSGov Connect system is reportedly the one Dr. Birx has been using to brief @POTUS.
In 2020, the data & models the @WhiteHouse is using to make decisions – or provides to governors, mayors, & hospitals to do so – should be open, online
As @DrTomFrieden said this week, the USA is "lying blind in our effort to curb the spread of #COVID19," failing to set standards for states & counties to report: Seems like the @CDCgov's job to drive data collection & info release, and yet here we are
None of this is how the US government is supposed to work, much less in a pandemic where a thousand Americans are dying each day.

@HHSGov Connect data should be in the public domain, as @rypan explains:
Maybe Congress will act to make @HHSGov Connect Data open to the American people, who paid for it & need to be armed with that knowledge: I hope so. But @USTreasury's lack of transparency on #COVID19 spending showed how untrustworthy this administration is
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