Gil stans:

- Always defend Gil
- Always say he’s the strongest no matter what
- Force people to listen to your points about Gil
- Fight over SF Gil or Extra Gil for who is stronger
- Trash talks CasGil only stans
- All round dicks or extremely nice
Medusa stans:

- She is the best waifu in Fate
- Nobody is allowed her but you
- They have Grailed her and her SR variants to 100
- Scream about wanting Summer Medusa
- Scream about how strong she is
- Tasteful snake memes
- Shit on Shinji
Semiramis stans:

- Scream about how she is best Queen
- Hate Amakusa
- Talk about fucking her
- They want her to poison them
- Also chant her voicelines religiously
- Fate/Apocrypha is their favorite anime
- They only like FGO’s Ascension 1 and/or Ascension 3.
J’Alter stans:

- Know she is not only tsundere waifu
- Ship her with S’Alter and/or Edmond
- Most likely Grailed her
- Jeanne d’Arc doesn’t exist
- Know everything about what little lore she fucking has
- Prefer Summer J’Alter
- Have 80,000,000 hentai images of her
Cú Alter stans:

- Only like Cú Alter
- Sexy dino DILF
- Talk about how they want to suck his dick
- Parade him as best Cú around
- Hate Medb
- They want him to have a collection of mini Cús
- Usually ship him with Skadi or just themselves
- Horny as fuck
Amakusa stans:

- They want him to twin arm big crunch their ass
- Are probably into the more fun kinks
- Scream tWIN ARM BIG CRUNCH every five seconds
- Have all Amakusa merch
- Ship him with Semiramis or like, Kiara
- Have nude images of him as 1/2 of their gallery
Skadi stans:

- Only like her because they can say Skadi but still pronounce it wrong
- Like feeding her ice cream
- Lmao ice cream memes for days
- Want merch with both her and Medb together bc BFFs
Scáthach stans:

- Finally learned how to say her name
- Can’t say Gáe Bolg without laughing
- Call her Shishou or Tight Tits Shishou
- No civil rights bc too horny
- Fap every singke day to Scáthach porn
- Only have lewd fan art of her
- Love her Ascension art
Ozymandias stans:

- Egyptian DIO memes
- Ship him with Gil and Arash
- Want to suck his dick
- They want to be part of his harem
- Have him NP5 in FGO
- 99% lewd artwork in their gallery except that 1% of wholesome art
- Intense laughter at exactly 6:23am
Elizabeth stans:

- A select few of you exist
- and all of you…
- are under the leadership…
- of the one…
- the only…
- @Elizadidnowrong
- You bought all her Extella/Extella Link costumes
- You have every Liz (and soon Lizzatron or Terminator) at level 100
Carmilla stans:

- The Liz stans who migrated to older Liz
- They want her to step on them and/or run them over
- They always NP5 Carmilla no matter which version and they have both at NP50 (10 copies MAX NP lv of both)
- Probably read the Carmilla novel
Emiya stans:

- Probably stan Nameless more
- They like talking about the bones of their swords
- They probably fap to hentai of him banging any of Rin, Sakura, Ishtar, Pārvatī, Kāma, Astarte or Medusa
- They have a folder of him for regular art and one for hentai
Kāma stans:

- Don’t know Kāma is male
- Probably have a Sakuraface fetish
- Wanted lewd Sakuraface
- They say that this makes sense
- Probably hate or love Kiara
- Ship her with Kiara or themselves
- Have an extreme amount of full hentai doujins in their gallery
Edmond stans:

- Read the book
- Thirst over him anyway
- Have extreme Edmond merch
- Know everything about him
- Still thirst Tweet knowing that, even if he was real, he still wouldn’t love them in that way
- Probably friends with @deafmutess/ @CYBERKRATOS_PR
Robin stans:

- Love that he’s British
- Say they would marry him, knows he’s a playboy and BB’s toy
- Looking forward to his pimp summer costume showing his underwear
- Really horny for Robin Hood
- Played the Extra games
- Screamed when he was in Extella Link
S’Alter stans:

- SuPeRiOr SaBeRfAcE! ! !
- Only eat borgars made by Shero
- Scream Excalibur Morgan every 0.235 seconds
- Hate Ascension 3 for some reason
- Bash the OG Artoria stans
- Bash Mordred stans
- Bash L’Artoria/L’Alter stans
- Love her theme Mighty Wind
Nero stans:

- Nero >>>>>>> Tamamo
- Repeatedly play the Extra and Extella games as her only
- Happy that Nero has a literal bride costume
- Know nothing of the real Nero’s lore
- UwU wAiFu NeRo
- Have less brain cells than Liz stans but sometimes more
- Mixed bag
Kintoki stans:

- He’S sOfT uWu
- Brotoki is the only name they use
- Hate Raikou for some reason
- Talk about not lewding him but they want to suck his dick
- They have a huge bara fetish
- The gallery they show has wholesome art, but they have hella lewd Kintoki art
Achilles stans:

- Call him only by carrot
- Disregard how much of an asshole he really is
- Forget he’s a necrophile
- Also disrespectful
- He’s bratty
- He’s annoying af w/ overconfidence
- But they find him hella sexy and want to suck his dick periodt
Ash stans:

- Are waiting for LB4 to release in NA
- Haven’t spent a single SQ and are waiting to NP5 him
- They want to lick his body
- Forget he probably smells like dried blood
- Thank Pako for giving him nips
- Want to suck his dick
- Ship him with Karna/Arjuna
Barty stans:

- Question his kink
- Will still fuck him anyway
- Horny Tweet about him
- Usually men who stan him
- Understand that he is a bi icon
- Love his Hot Mess ascensions
- His voice makes them cream their pants
Raikou stans:

- BEST FARMER!!!!!!!
- Most likely make fancams
- They want her to be their mother forever
- They band together to shit on the haters (literally)
- Extreme memers with no other talents 💗
Kingprotea stans:

- Call her best daughter
- Basically solo everything with her
- They are saving SQ for her banner in NA as we speak
- They want her to crush all other Sakurafaces
- They cry whenever they see her because she’s so precious
- Only use Ascension 2
Hokusai stans:

- Don’t actually stan Hokusai, they stan Ōi but they don’t know that
- Probably their first Foreigner
- The only meta they know is Arts
- Probably full of artists
- They like it when clothes get shed
- They want Hokusai to stick himself in them
Murasaki stans:

- Try to sing like her but they can’t sing so they screech
- The only Raita female with tits that they like
- They call her Lewd Librarian because they can’t be bothered saying Murasaki
- Are bookworms just for her
- Maybe they like karaoke…?
Rulertoria stans:

- Love her for her tankiness
- Love her for her ballistics
- Rhongomyniad yatch go brrr
- In reality, they just love the lewd art that is made of her
- Really into bunny girls and probably have lewd bunnygirl figures
- About 10 brain cells remaining
Astarte stans:

- Call her Astarte over Space Ishtar
- Maybe call her Spishtar
- Some still think she’s a Pseudo-Servant
- They prefer her blue Ascension 3 variant
- All of them are edgelords
- Their favorite animal is probably a unicorn
Europa stans:

- Call her grandma
- Actually have no idea who she is
- Probably call her Europe
- They want her to whack them with Talos
- Their alarm is her saying HAAAAAAIIII repeatedly
- They only really like her for her blushing face which looks lewd
Fuckinh Sei stans:

- Chaotic Selfie
- Scream SAY! SHOW! NOW! GO! ON! when taking selfies or if they are losing an argument or just want you to stfu
- Actually buff ass beasts
- More self aware with 0.009 brain cells than any other stan on this list
- Double peace
Brynhildr stans:

- Depressed as fuck
- Usually don’t know her lore but it’s fine because they know she deserves love
- Want her to tragically aah more
- Probably have a body pillow of her
- May also make edgy fancams of her w/ black and white filter
Medb stans:

- Horny 24/7
- Actually have an entire Hentai Museum
- Into BDSM and want Medb to whip them
- Used to love cheese but, since becoming a Medb stan, swore off it completely.
- Wear wigs
Nightingale stans:

- Either related to her or not
- Being a stan of her alone has made them become clean freaks
- Cleaning 24/7
- Hold her as a lesbian icon
- Screamed and woke the neighbors, then cleaned when her animation update came early
Okitan stans:

- Love her underboob window thing
- Have a thing for sleepy girls
- Are mainly are just chaotic sleepy
- The least problematic out of this list because they just want to sleep
- Would like to cuddle Okitan
- Sleepy screamed when she came to them
Tomoe stans:

- Gamer girl waifu
- Understand she still loves Yoshinaka
- Still usually want to fuck her anyway
- Brain cell capacity reached -20 but loving Tomoe adds 20 brain cells
Shiki stans:

- Probably have both versions
- The only ones with a good amount of fucking brain cells
- They like to murder death kill
- The only meta they know is death
- Do not waifu Shiki because they probably watched KNK and know she’s taken and has a kid
Fujino stans:

- Appendicitis
- ????
- Profit.
- Like how she’s similar to a mon
- If she was real, they’d rot away in their basement playing video games whilst she takes care of them but eventually bends their dicks off and kills them.
Penthe stans:

- Usually hate Achilles
- Usually also stan Hektor
- Scream at the top of their lungs whilst standing on their roof
- Probably throw fucking spiked bombs at anyone named Achilles irl
- Respect her for her strength, not her looks
Passionlip stans:

- Best daughteru on periodt
- Love her new lines
- Want her to have the best in life
- Probably Grailed her to 100
- Was most likely their first Alter Ego
- Do not judge her by her tits
- Attack anyone who insults Passionlip
Okada stans:

- Probably call him Izo or Ratman
- Know how much of a rat he is
- Are just horny for him 24/7
- They are Izosexual on periodt
- Have an all right amount of brain cells that deteriorate rapidly
- Probably Grailed him and 10/10/10’d him before Bond 1
Mata Hari stans:

- Actually kinda nice
- Pressed that she got nothing at Ooku’s rerun (and rightfully so)
- Understand that she is pretty much an angel
- Read up on her history at wikipedia dot com
- Question why Fate gave her huge tits when she was flat but gave up
Salieri stans:

- Extreme Edgelords
- They keep him in Ascension 2
- They really want him to strip
- Almost as horny as Edmond stans but have at least a bit of self control
- Have no musical talent, usually
- Put Mozart and Salieri on the same team for memes
Ereshkigal stans:

- They either love her as uwu cute moe waifu or actually know her lore
- Usually hate Ishtar
- Use Ereshkigal emotes everywhere
- Any CE with Ereshkigal, they get
- No self restraint with horniness; 40 Bil. Eresh hentai doujins
Waver stans:

- As overworked as he is
- Really all deserve breaks
- But they do it to themselves
- Fapping to Iskandar x Waver hentai
- but we don’t blame them.
- It’s good shit.
- They’re also probably heavy smokers.
- Also Chaotic Give Me a Fucking Break
Osakabehime stans:

- Don’t leave their household
- Have no idea what sunlight is
- Moonlight? Like Moonlight Sonata?
- Computer nerds
- Play dating sims 24/7
- Probably waiting for Okki to finish Solomon so that they can also finish it
- Total weebs aha gomenasorry
Jeanne stans:

- Can’t say her name correctly and call her John
- Usually go from yes it’s a lovely day to whAT THE FUCJ DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY RULER in a second flat
- Cannot say Jeanne correctly, so they call her Jannu
- They’re honestly as creepy as Gilles Du Rais 💅
Pārvatī stans:

- Probably have lots of porn of her and Emiya
- Refuse to admit that she was just a Heaven’s Feel II fanservice Servant
- Know how good she actually fucking is
- Scream at those PlZ bUfF pAr bitches on YouTube to shut up
- Treat Kāma as her child
Valkyrie stans:

- Loved the 3 for the price of 1 concept
- Didn’t know Hildr and Thrúdr would have annoying Damage 2 screams
- Loves them anyway
- They always tell people to look after the Valks
- They never shut up about them
Ibaraki stans:

- Pyromaniacs
- Only eat sweet shit
- Their fire rights are always revoked but they still use fire
- They usually require therapy
- Hate how Ibaraki is treated compared to Shuten
- Didn’t bully Ibaraki in Rashomon
Sieg stans:

- Just want to be accepted
- Say they’re fine, when they’re not really fine, they just have to say that they are—
- Talk about fucking a homunculus named Sieg daily
- Hate the Jeanne/Sieg relationship
- Call him Mr. Steal Your Girl, Steal Your Astolfo
Inshun stans:

- Peak taste
- Probably the most level headed stans
- Ready to defend him to the death
- Quick meme with him
- Actually want a shirtless costume for him
- Want to lick his abs
- Want to suck his dick
- Want to be harshly fucked by him
- Married to him
Cú stans:

- Probably read Stay Night instead of watching it
- Have an immense amount of RANSAA GA SHINDAAAA memes
- Ship him with Emiya and/or Rin
- Cultured stans ship him with others
- Have a dislike of Cú Alter
- Want to fuck him
- Pet him because he is a good doggo
Sigurd stans:

- All according to KEIKAKU every five minutes because fucking weebs
- Cream whenever he speaks and understand why Bryn loves him
- Probably Grailed him
- Laughs in Guts
- Speak with each other at length about his unique design
- Cry over him, literally
Sanzang stans:

- Have as much brain power as she does
- Have as many brain cells as she does (-600)
- Like her for only one reason (tits)
- Can’t say her name so call her Titty Monk
- Haven’t read Journey To The West
- Usually just lewd her 24/7
Meltryllis stans:

- Argue over Meltryllis or Meltlilith
- Got wet over her newly crowned Queen of Quick Crits status
- Want to remove her little metal vagina pad
- Explosive creaming whenever she speaks
- Are into the whole FLAT IS JUSTICE sort of thing
Arjuna (not Alter) stans:

- Are the ones who generally care dor Arjuna’s character
- Treat him like he is their child
- Yet they do still want to fuck him (but like same)
- Edgelord is their favorite title
- They always point out his (creepy) smirk in his Ascension art
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