Welp, that's the third day I've had someone asking why their lettered mail hasn't come in on time. In a row. So, I guess it's time I caused some trouble and explained a few things to you, the People.

Fair warning to non-US readers, this is a US issue, but please, stick around.1/
Also isn't a writing tweet, so writer followers, prepare to be bored.

Right then. You might have noticed that your mail has been rather slim lately, though your parcels keep coming in on time. Still with me? Good. 2/
That is because of a couple high-order decisions that were made a few weeks ago, when Postmaster General DeJoy was appointed. These were made as means to be 'cost-effective' and 'less burdensome in delivery'.

There's a reason we call him General Chucklefuck. 3/
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