A3 (for real this time):

1. @Lead_Em_Up

2. Alignment with our standards - this is KEY with our parents and our players. Both go through the process & align with what the program will be.

3. Competitive practices that align with our core values & pillars of play/game model https://twitter.com/Coach_DeMarco/status/1286098703858561025
4. Coaches commit to two 5-minute "collisions" ( @coachk424) per day with players.

5. Touch points with all players before and during practice. Want to get all players within the first 5 minutes then each one at least 3-4 times per practice.

6. Questioning strategies & feedback
7. Treat basketball like a class - notebooks and all. Using film to show what we do and don't want in our culture, focusing on finding our guiding principles (Values, Pillars, Game Model, practice) in game film.

You can follow @Rastogi_Aseem.
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