Skincare twitter how bad is it that I swab my face with rubbing alcohol several times per day? Some friends are sending me links abt how it "breaks down ur skin's natural oil/barrier" but I've been doing this for years and years. Will this age my skin faster? All thoughts welcome
People asking "why do you do this" idk I've been doing it since HS. My thinking was alcohol disinfects your skin. I do it to prevent breakouts. I know this post is triggering to many! I've been doing this for so many years but I am getting old now and worried I'm aging my skin
Subtweeted by my own place of employment! I am grateful tbh
I know this was a troll question but I meant it. I have been discussing my rubbing alcohol system with those closest to me for a while now and I am ready for change. I am willing to accept a better way. THANK U to everyone for ur input
I really really regret these tweets just so everyone knows
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