development is not benevolent but the narrative of developed nations rather than one of a world controlled and dominated first by capitalist ideology and conquest is one that favors the myth of the benevolent empire.
it used to be known & accepted that we operated within in a world globally dominated by capitalism.

this narrrive became detrimental to sustaining empire & expansion.
world order conspiracy theories were created to divert away attention & weaken the movement of any real threat.
the narrative of “developed nations” aids none but the empire.

the goal isnt development. we do not wish to join the world built on stolen labor & resources. we do not wish to join the world thats been sustained through the rape & pillage of people and land. we must defeat it.
wild that academia decided “undeveloped nations” was a better term than “third world” which simply meant the 3rd part of the world which was victimized by the colonization of 1st world capitalism & not yet alligned with the 2nd world of socialist nations moving toward liberation.
there should be no first, second or third world but the capitalist empire has created this dynamic and academia’s role in watering down the ideological foundation of our reality is violent and caters to none but the capitalist empire
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