7 things about submission.

1. The command to women to submit in the home and in church was given as a result of Eve’s sin. She demonstrated what women can do when entrusted with certain decisions. “Your desire shall be to your husband, and he shall rule over you.” (Gen. 3:16.)
2. To submit, in this context, is to yield. To yield is to allow. She who has the capacity to allow, has the capacity to refuse. This means the woman is not necessarily weaker than the man. It takes great strength to allow a man to lead when you have superior wisdom, a superior..
..career, superior money. It takes even greater strength to submit when you are right and he is wrong, AND you have superior wisdom and superior money.

3. Women are the weaker vessel (1Peter 3:7) in the same way that a rose is weaker than aloe. This should not offend us. Peter
was not speaking about intelligence or spiritual prowess. Would you give anyone an aloe vera bouquet? If your answer is yes, you are a Forever Living seller.

4. Submission begins at home. If you cannot submit to your father, do not get married. This is a man related to you..
..by blood. He most likely housed you, fed you, paid your fees, taught you, made sacrifices for you for at least 18 years. You cannot be condescending or rude or malicious or unforgiving to him and think you will go and submit to a man you have gone with to Java 52 times.
Honor for parents applies regardless of who the parents are or what they have done. Submission to husbands applies no matter who the husband is and what he has done (provided, in both cases, you do not blaspheme or reject or disobey God).
6. Many women are conwomen. It is wiser, in my view, for a man to marry when he has not "made it". If you wait to make money, you will not be sure she is there for any other reason. And should that money grow wings (Prov. 23:5), you will be single. Find her now. You are ready.
7. Ladies, choose wisely. Every man is a leader and you do not want to submit to one who will lead you nowhere. Don't be blind in relationships. Watch. Pray. Many are crying in their pillows as I type this because they ended up with Nabals (1Sam 25:2-3) &have to submit for life.
Every woman submits. Some to God, others to telenovelas and influencers and feminists. It's about being from and choosing from the right camp.

Have a good day.👋❤️
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