Politico obtained a draft of the DNC platform. Some promising sections on democracy, even if I might have some quibbles. One thing that immediately stands out: The platform takes a much bolder stance on felon disenfranchisement than the Biden campaign. https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000173-782a-d3de-ab7b-783b9b650000
Biden's website still has this terrible, vague language re: felon disenfranchisement: "The Biden Administration will incentivize states to automatically restore voting rights for individuals convicted of felonies once they have served their sentences."
Another strong part of the platform: unequivocal support for DC statehood. Pretty inspiring how DC statehood has made its way to the forefront of the democracy fight.
There are some good specifics on voting rights (AVR, SDR, EV, vote-by mail)—though, I always fear the vague language "support". Does that mean a federal mandate for AVR and SDR? It better. But even more interesting is how Biden's top talking points (highlighted) come first
Some disappointing language re: gerrymandering. It's great that the Democrats will work to end gerrymandering, but unless you pledge to mandate independent redistricting commissions for federal elections, I am skeptical.
Bold language regarding money in politics, mimicking Biden's line re: an amendment to ban all private money in elections (Something I am uncomfortable with). I love the Buckley reference. Also great public financing inclusion, though I would prefer matching with vouchers.
There is a pretty weird sentence about prison gerrymandering in the plan (CC @Taniel). It's pretty awesome to see the topic make it into the draft but why do we need to study it? Of course prison gerrymandering is discriminatory and it should be banned.
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