Will say of our younger sister & brother millennials that the one group that *does not* get to criticise them are Boomers who inherited a world of secure work, affordable housing & pensions ... and then absolutely screwed it up for everyone else https://latika.me/2OZVfql 
The World War II generation - which endured depression and 6 years of global war, then Austerity - was often ashamed of the Boomers they spawned & one can see why. The “men” often avoided serving in Vietnam & then they kept on avoiding obligations to anyone but themselves
The idea that Boomers get to take swipes at Milennials (often raised in the dysfunctional, fatherless families and moral abyss that the Boomers championed as they discovered themselves etc) is absolute nonsense. The long death grip of the Boomer hegemony needs to end.
Conservatives particularly should be understanding of our milennial younger sisters & brothers. They often grew up in the ruins of the Boomer world - deadbeat/absent father, poor mother under immense stress. They had no one familial to help them navigate their education & work.
If you work in a profession/allied trade & speak to assembled youth/mentor (and you should), you realise how many of those in their 20s etc have been disadvantaged by not having a father/someone to show them ways forward. Boomers have a lot to answer for-they kicked ladders away
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