"Artistic directors will often say right out loud, we can maybe do one 'risky show' every season," Claxton said. "It's often expected that those shows won't be well-attended, and there's a fear that people will tell their friends 'don't go to this.'" https://www.cbc.ca/1.5657440 
"[A senior member of the theatre administration] started yelling at me and pointing at me from the podium," Martin-Arcand said. "He said the most striking thing: there just aren't enough local Indigenous artists who are at the right level for me to put them on the Main Stage."
"I audition sometimes, when I see a show where they could push the boundaries with ethnicity, but I'm always disappointed because they always end up choosing an all-white cast," she said. "I keep hoping to have an opportunity, and then they disappoint me every time."
The conversation in the theater community in #yxe on representation is extremely important. Some of the discourse is very fascinating. i.e. 'not enough talent from Indigenous and communities of colour' or 'the talent isn't good enough'. or 'we will lose audiences', etc.
Here I was thinking in the 21st century that all good stories can be universal because the numbers are there to show it. I will say this again Saskatchewan is a fascinating place.
"Yvonne Addai, who used to work at Persephone and now lives and works in Toronto, said she often felt tokenized as a Black actor when she was building her career in the prairies."
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