I listened to this talk today, from Elder Shayne Bowen. I highly encourage you to do the same.

I Can Sleep When the Wind Blows | Shayne M. Bowen via @YouTube


Some quotes:

Speaking of attending BYU:

“Keeping the honor code is a perfect example of character, honor, and integrity. You committed, and now you must keep your word even when no one is looking. You must do so because you said you would.”

“Another unique feature of this university is that your tuition is heavily subsidized by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.”

“Those funds come from faithful members who pay their tithes and offerings of their own free will and choice, with the expectation that the funds will be used for righteous purposes by people who are honorable and have character and integrity.”

“In your comportment, in your study habits, in your faithfulness to God, do you have any obligation to your benefactors, to your contributors? I think so. I call that obligation developing character, honor, and integrity.”

My thoughts: If you are (or are planning to) attending @BYU then respect the institution, the existing Honor Code, and the Church.

Don’t go there if you can’t honestly do this or because your parents are JUST sending you there.

Don’t go to BYU if you feel it’s “oppressive, unfair, racist, or mEaN”. Transfer out, if you must.

Don’t try to subvert it, mold it to fit your politics/agenda, or “flip the bird” at it.

Remember: We are talking about funds “that have been given by a single mother of six children in Bolivia or the Philippines or anywhere else in the world.”

You owe that to the stakeholders. Respect the privilege you have and earn it.


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