4/ Trump said that the DOJ will use $61 million in grants to hire Operation Legend officers—on the very same day it was announced that unemployment relief was being downgraded to $400/month. https://twitter.com/JesseDamiani/status/1286041283241234432
5/ Trump/Barr are putting forth the image that this is in coordination with local/state governments, but based on the statement from @MayorLucasKC of Kansas City...that's total, well, malarkey. https://twitter.com/MayorLucasKC/status/1281009945748533248
6/ “I have grave discomfort with the pain of my people in Kansas City being exploited for political purposes. We all recognize the tragedies that are going on ... I find it disgraceful the narrative that the president & others use to try to score political points.” — @MayorLucasKC
10/ He says these cases are for different purposes—& perhaps at a granular level they are—but they all serve the larger goal of normalizing an initiative like Operation Legend.

He's deploying a secret federal army under his direct command that is accountable only to him & Trump.
11/ The whole point is that he does not want to have to play by the usual rules of engagement.

Things like, oh, explaining why you're being kidnapped or the grounds on which you're being arrested.
12/ Things like not harming sources of first aid in sites of conflict https://twitter.com/JesseDamiani/status/1285946841930928129
13/ Things like busting up peaceful food offerings to protesters exerting their first amendment rights. https://twitter.com/JesseDamiani/status/1285948699575586816
14/ Things like not assaulting folks who are not committing any visible crime. https://twitter.com/JesseDamiani/status/1285950350755688448
16/ Maybe you're someone who believes in law and order: you oppose looting & rioting. Fine—at some point after this, that's a discussion we can have.
17/ But for now, this force has been granted sweeping authority, with no accountability or checks. It's dangerous for *all* of us.

If they can make "proactive arrests," they don't need a warrant or probable cause. They can snatch you or invade your home for any reason.
18/ Operation Legend is how they're trying to normalize the use of an extralegal federal force that you don't question. You are not meant to demand accountability. You will be silenced if you do—possibly preemptively.
19/ This at a time when president Trump is polling at historic lows, with the prospect of prosecution looming if he loses the election.

It's squarely in the fascist playbook.

Fascism doesn't require some formal declaration; it can happen through the erosion of democracy.
20/ Operation Legend is that erosion. It's happening in real time. It will only intensify as we get closer to the election. It very likely could be used as an intimidation tactic *during* the election.

Speak up loudly about it now because it might be your last chance.
PS/ See if you can *not* get chills looking at this photo. https://twitter.com/dougmillsnyt/status/1286042037943521280
PS2/ Forgot to give context for the "proactive arrest" bit above. See below: https://twitter.com/JesseDamiani/status/1285719142960701441
PS3/ More opinion from another former DHS Secretary, Jeh Johnson, on the use of federal agencies/officers as Barr and Trump have been doing: https://twitter.com/JesseDamiani/status/1285940877416792065
PS4/ Also of note from Johnson's @maddow interview: members of the DHS Federal Protection Service are contractors.

Which tells us something important: Operation Legend will use contractors. So all those new hires brought in with that $61M could be anyone. https://twitter.com/JesseDamiani/status/1285953443496996864
PS5/ @chicagosmayor is telling Trump not to come to the city. Trump says, "At some point we can void that if we have to—and we may have to because it's out of control—I assume she's saying that for political reasons, I think it's negative political reasons"
PS7/ Wondering what can be done about this? This article from @jbouie breaks down how the House can step in:

"The House must act and act now. In addition to holding hearings & investigations ... Democrats should condition final passage of its..." (1/3) https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/21/opinion/portland-homeland-security.html
PS8/ "...Homeland Security appropriations bill on a complete halt to operations in Portland and other cities and the dissolution of the response force. Should Democrats find themselves in control of both legislative branches & the White House next year..." https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/21/opinion/portland-homeland-security.html
PS9/ "...they should also use the opportunity to amend the relatively obscure Federal Vacancies Reform Act, which Trump has used to install loyalists in high-level positions without Senate confirmation." https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/21/opinion/portland-homeland-security.html
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