The reinfection stories circulate because they tap into our deepest fears. "This pandemic will never end!" "Herd immunity is a mirage!" etc. But deep breaths.

As Dr. Fauci said, it will be over some day. And there is immunity. It may not last forever, but it’s not gone yet. 3/x
So about these anecdotes of reinfection. What are they? More likely drawn-out illness. Like long haulers, mild at first more severe later. As studies have shown now, viral fragments can linger for 3.5 months, but people stop shedding live virus within days. 4/x
People who really know how immunity to new virus works, like @michaelmina_lab are outraged at doctors circulating stories of reinfection without any evidence. “People have lost their minds,” he told me. “It’s just sensationalist click bait.” 5/x
Also, everyone’s panicked about antibodies declining, but @michaelmina_lab and others say that’s textbook immunology. It’s just rare to see it in adults because adults don’t usually face brand new viruses. Here’s a tweet on this from @SCOTTeHENSLEY
Oh and let’s not forget T cell immunity. People exposed to the virus have T cells that recognize it, as do many people who’ve never been exposed to either this coronavirus or SARS classic have T cells that recognize this one. That’s good news, people. 7/x
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