We have unofficial tally. In 3-way race, as new candidate, w/ no machine, no running-mate, I earned 29% of total votes + won absentee ballots by 250. Sadly, not enough to overcome election day deficit. But, as I said all along: I’ll continue to do the work, no matter the outcome.
Several months ago, @newreformers approached me (and others.) I had helped many progressive candidates run, would I now run myself? I said “No.” Said I’d rather support someone else. I waited for someone else. I looked for someone else. She never came. So I stepped up.
I stepped up bc I saw people I couldn’t support, in leadership positions, controlling my party -- anti-abortion, anti-gay, racist views, beholden to big $. I stepped up bc I believe our party is broken. I stepped up bc I believe change must come at the most grassroots level.
I tried to find a running-mate, male DL candidate. A few amazing possible candidates, active in community -- worried about cost + personal toll. Others, just blocks away, were gerrymandered out of district (see map.) This disgusted me & strengthened my resolve. I would run alone.
But I wasn’t alone. I ran w/ candidates from across Queens + Manhattan, supported by @ReformersNew, the most amazing organizers, POCs leading, seeking to improve our communities & party. I’ll never stop thanking them: @BDLimm @MarthaNAyon @vgsalsa @mariteskaufer @nickforastoria
I want to congratulate all my fellow @reformersnew candidates. Many of whom beat the odds to win their races, unseating powerful, longtime incumbents. As @aoc said in @knockdownmovie “For one of us to make it through, a hundred of us have to try.”
I want to thank neighbors, family, friends, mentors, who lent time, talent, expertise - to help us educate our community about this office + ballot access. Campaigning in a pandemic, w/ no childcare is exhausting -- a conversation for another time. But I’m grateful. Thank you.
I’ve always been committed to using my skills, experience, and privilege to help other progressives run, to push so more people have their voices elevated in our party & our community. I promise to keep doing that work. Please hold me accountable.
You can follow @dawnsiff.
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