You know what, here’s a thread about working as a gp receptionist so you understand why they are the way they are because I don’t think there’s a job in existence that can relate lmao
1) You’re shouted at in person and over the phone from 8am- 6:30pm for things that are absolutely none of your control
2) You know those “emergency AM appointments” yeah I’ve worked at 3 GP surgery’s with 7000, 10000 and 12000 patients and the MAXIMUM same day appointments I’ve ever seen was ten. TEN. With an average of 100 calls coming in at 8am on the dot.
3) people don’t understand you are CLINICALLY trained, I don’t give a flying fuck about your condition, I’m not asking for fun, I’m asking so I can guide you to the right place which I am TRAINED to do
4) the doctors literally run late every single day. Why are u shouting at reception staff. We were here half 7. The doctor pulled up at 10. The reception staff literally haven’t done shit
5) parents calling up for “ear pain” “rash” for their 24 year old child. I’m just gonna leave this one hear because it’s a complete embarrassment
6) what don’t people understand about “there’s no appointments left?” Am I supposed to dig one out of the sky? There’s no appts left & I’ve said there’s none I can book in advance so use our online system or call tomorrow, why have u decided to stay on the phone & shout?
7) the doctors lidge make our lives so much more difficult? You think I don’t KNOW a prescription can be easily printed and signed, you think I don’t KNOW he always runs late, WHY ARE U SHOUTING AT ME LIKE IM IN CONTROL
8) you can’t skip protocol and use your deteriorating heath as an excuse, you left hospital 2wks ago, u were told to drop off your discharge form and prescription within 48hrs, you’ve decided to come 2wks later and demand it on the spot????
8.2) Prescriptions need to be looked at by QUALIFIED clinicians, especially new ones, you knew you had new medication that was running low and you’re screaming in my face about the fact it can not be done at 6pm when the surgery’s about to close??????
9) do u know how much shit there is to do behind closed doors?! Fuck me, chasing up referrals, doing referrals, emailing and responding to non stop emails from clinicians and patients, QOF lists, an average of 30 dr tasks a day, registrations, coding it is LONG
10) do you know how much you’re dehumanized in a day, dr talks to you like a slave, managers on your neck about not finishing all 300 od your tasks and patients shouting about shit that you can not help?!?!
11) you really go out your way all day to help patients not just “our job” but I’ve had colleagues drop meds to their house cause they couldn’t come out (out of their own time), SHOP for patients, call specialist drs that’ve already discharged them, all to be screamed at for nada
12) the worst thing is I know how EASY so much processes can be, Drs genuinely long it out, it’s not the receptionists fault, we’re just getting one piece of information and giving it to who’s relevant, pls stop insulting us for shit we can not help
12.2) I know your mum has cancer, I know your uncle has COPD, I know your girlfriend has polycystic ovaries, I know what it is to be let down by the ones who are meant to be helping you, but it’s not the bloody receptionist fault, stop letting it out on them
13) don’t you think if something was done we would tell you it’s DONE???? Calling a million n one times for the same problem doesn’t make the problem go away any faster?? It genuinely just clogs up the phone lines, please be patient
14) respectfully, people really need to wrap it up, excluding language barriers and old patients, pls don’t give a life story, because if I’m on the phone for more than 3 mins there’s already a line of 10more
15) I’m on your PROFILE I can see your history from the day of your birth pls stop coding shit that is very natural, I promise you we’ve seen it ALL
16) I mentioned we’re clinically trained but the extent is crazy, once I was three months in I could tell you what medication was for what condition, mg to be taken, what controlled drugs are needed, pls don’t undermine a receptionists skill set, we are trained and learn more.
17) me rushing about is not me being rude, some social awareness is needed there. Standing in front of me for 5mins explaining you have a form that needs to be scanned on & after listening to your speech ask “hand it over please” isn’t rude. You’re wasting everyone’s time.
Okay let me wrap it up, 1) all your problems are the Drs fault 2) we get verbally abused all day everyday for shit we can’t help 3) we have a lot of jobs and a large skill set 4) please listen carefully and be patient.
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