Very fashionable: rediscovering for the 15th time something the CIA did decades ago, pretending CIA is filled with bumbling fools

Not fashionable: pointing out how effectively the CIA controls left media today.

Some thoughts
First, there are literally no communists left today. The ideology has been succesfully purged and replaced with (democratic) socialism, a meaningless term that implicitly demonizes actual socialism/communism as undemocratic.
Most people have no idea what a real analysis of the world today looks like, because the few people offering such narratives will never be found on the 'socialist' left. A 'Marxist' today is a Socialost Party reformer for 60 years ago.
(Aside: Socialists in Marseille joined with the mafia and CIA to crush the communist party in 1947. The Socialists have always been the weak link.)
The DSA Marxists don't know that the founder of their party was a virulent anticommunist and only opposed the Vietnam war once the population had already turned against it.
'Exposing' clandestine operations of the past without linking them to current operations is a tradition among the CIA approved left.

Facts only matter poltically when analysis is applied and they are brought forward to the present moment.
The cia left gains credibility without divulging a single useful peice of analysis or information. Not only does this prime their audience to receive the talking points on Rojava, it prevents them from discovering this information from a more radical source.
Smuggling in vague opposition to US savagery (Assad is an evil dictator, he should be removed through economic and diplomatic means) is a classic. Here they present the left credentials while reinforcing the cia narrative among skeptics who might otherwise be radicalized further.
Similarly classic smear operations that take significant time and energy to debunk (he is gassing his own people, my God!) are effective ways of shifting the burden of proof onto the principled actors opposed to the savagery.
These smears serve also to delineate the responsible commentators from the 'conspiracy theorists', who themselves are smeared by association. Accepting the smears justifies the view that Action Must be Taken and provides discursive cover for front groups to operate freely.
Multiple psyops are running concurrently and have different aims. The Venezuelan opposition figure based in Miami and appearing on Fox News does not have the same target audience as the Intercept reporter hanging out on the Turkey-Syria border.
The Venezuelan expat will tell Fox viewers about the evil of communism, while the Intercept reporter will tell their readers it is islamophobic to oppose US death squads rampaging across Syria.

Different messages for different audiences.
Pointing out the obvious propaganda of one psyop gives credibility to peddle another psyop. The brutal crimes of one US proxy force (ISIS, Nusra, FSA) were justification for CENTCOM to occupy NE Syria.
Similarly, 'exposing' a US client state for something like financing ISIS covers for US covert action and obscures the fundamental dynamics of empire. Cia left can then denounce the client state and wonder why we are allied to them in the first place.
Still haven't gotten to the main be continued.
Agreed. I am not particularly smart and none of this is original.
Ok, resuming. Similar to the re-re-re-reporting of past cia crimes, the 'limited hangout' exposes some malfeasance while pushing a hard propaganda line on a few key topics. Again, what is exposed is usually niche and already more or less known. This is not always the case though.
However, taken together, the point of these operations is not to persuade you to support the war in syria or the coup in nicaragua. That is certainly one aspect, but the overall intention is to wage psychological earfare on the left itself.
First, lets be honest and admit nothing we are doing seriously affects the CIA's foreign machinations. Hezbollah, Syria, Russia and Iran fought the CIA in Syria. Full stop.
The primary function of the cia left is to keep us from gaining any real strength and thus have the capacity to exert meaningful control over state-corporate activities.
The information war makes it very difficult to understand events. Competing narratives offered by the various cia left cliques contradict each other constantly. It is impossible to oppose what we don't know and by the time events are clear, it is too late.
More important than this (remember the Iraq war happened despite the protests) are the impediments it creates to building a strong communist movement, particularly among the intellectual and white collar classes.
It is à la mode to mock the 'pmc' today, but the collusion of key members of this section of society are key to any liberatory movement. They have the luxury of time and money to research, read, and organize while being far less threatened from the repressive apparatus.
They are the most propagandized and the most easily manipulated, due to their comfortable status in society. They are the people that populate the cia left, with some exceptions of lucky, aspirational working class people.
The repressive apparatus and economic hardship effectively repress poor and working people's movements, but they are not enough. The cia left is there to fill the gap by coopting, misdirecting, fracturing and ultimately destroying the resistance to these forces.
Deleted three off topic tweets.

When I say cia left I don't mean that they are necessarily getting paychecks from a cia cutout, which does happen (the Intercept is one obvious example).

It is a network of alternative media figures, academics, organizers, and activists.
Enough rambling, thread of citations and examples coming soon.
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